Chapter twenty

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"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WTH YOU AMERICA!" I scream at him without stuttering.
He stands there surprised and I continue to glare at him.

Prussia had headed upstairs to the bathroom and cleaned himself off as everyone continued to watch me and Alfred.
He gulps, "Look, I'm sorry Ma-"
"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE." I yell at him again and everyone had gasped.
Oh yes, I spoke up. And yes, I swore.

Alfred's face was white as a sheet and I've never seen him so scared.
I thought Hero's didn't get scared, but I guess I was wrong.
The music was turned off, and the lights were on. But everyone hadn't left, and kept their eyes on us.

My anger melted away and I began to cry, "Why c-can't you see I love him?" I say as tears stung my face and I looked down.
More gasps were heard from the crowd and Alfred had froze.
I turned away before I felt someone wrap their hands around my waist.

"I'm sorry Bro. I'm sorry." He said as we stood there, and I turned around and cried into his shoulder.
I felt more hands wrapping themselves around our bodies as Dad and Papa joined our hug.

I looked up and saw everybody smiling sadly at my ordeal.
No one asked who I was.
Everyone understood.

"D-Don't tell him. D-Don't please." I said to each of them and they nodded.
We left soon after and we never said a word.
No one needed too, and I headed up to my room quickly.
No one followed me, I just laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling, replaying the events that just occurred in my mind over and over.
I fell a sleep an hour later and had an odd dream.
I was looking at something, or someone.
I was talking, and I felt so sad.
It wasn't scary, nothing to make me cry.
It was just me talking to someone about something odd, but then I remember leaving.

I wish I can remember what happened. But I remember something.
A sentence, that someone said.

"Ich leibe dich Birdie. I vish I said somezhing sooner. Verdammt. I am such an awesome idiot."
I woke up a little while later to a knock on my door, and had forgotten about the dream for a while.
I yawned and slung my legs over the side of my bed, and stood up carefully then made my way to the door.

Memories from last night came flooding through my brain like a waterfall and I gulped.
I opened the door to find Papa standing there, and he hugged me suddenly.

"My Mathieu, I zhink it is perfectly fine zhat you love Gilbert. I support you in every way." He whispered to me as I relaxed and sighed.
"Merci Papa." I said and he let go.
"Breakfast will be ready soon. So I will call when it is time." He said as he smiled at me and headed downstairs.

Relief flooded through my body and I beamed.
But then I remembered Arthur.
I gulp and head back inside my room and sit on my bed.
Kuma climbs onto my lap and nibbled my finger affectionately, almost reassuringly, and it eased me a little.

I had left the door open and I wrote in my journal for a while.
Then I heard the knock.
I looked up and found Britain standing there and I gulped.
He walked in and sat on the edge of my bed and I sat up.

"H-Hey Dad." I said a little tense.
He nods at me, "Listen Mattie, I support you in this, but you bloody better wait until marriage." He said sternly and I blink, then I grin.
He gives a small smile as I reach over to him and give him a hug.

"I never got to apologize for what I did to you, I was drunk. And...and I'm sorry." He managed to say as I felt himself shaking and he started to cry.
Dad never cries.
I thought back to that day many months ago and I smile.

"I forgive you, I forgave you a long time ago Dad." I said and we stayed there for a few minutes.
" do?" He said as he pulled away.
I nodded and he smiled.

"You didn't stutter." He pointed out and I shrugged.
"I've been working on how I talk. I want to be louder a-and to be able to t-talk in front of others when we go t-to the meetings." I said stuttering a little and I saw how he looked at me with pride.
We went down to breakfast together and we found Papa there with Alfred who stood up and gave me a huge hug.

"Dude, I support you, and I told Dad and Dad about Japan." He said to me and we both smiled at each other.
"T-Thanks Al. Thank you so much." I say to him and he nods.
"No bro, thank YOU!" He said happily to me and we both sat at the table.

Everyone accepted me, so what am I going to say to Prussia?
The thought went over and over in my mind all day after that.
I was afraid to go over there, to tell him.
But I knew I had to, it was going to happen anyways.

I left the house around two and drove to Prussia's house rather quickly.
I thought and thought of what was I going to say to him.

"Oh hey, I'm gay and I love you!"
That wasn't going to happen.
I drove a little faster and arrived there around two-thirty.
I walked up the steps a few minutes later and I sigh.
"P-Pull yourself together Birdie. Don't stutter." I said to myself and straighten.
I knock on the door and wait.

He opens it a minute later and watches me.
"B-Birdie. Hallo." He stuttered for a minute.
"Bonjour Prussia, I just had to t-tell you something." I said gulping.

This is it, the moment I tell him I love him.
I open my mouth and-
"Gil? Who's at the door?" I heard Zoe call from upstairs.
I sigh, and he calls back that it's just me.

I look down and he puts an hand on my shoulder. "Listen Birdie, I zhink I know vhy you are 'ere." He said as I froze.
"O-Oh? You do?" I ask nervously.
He nods.

"It's okay zhat you are gay, it's fine! I support you in every vay." He said hugging me and I relax.
"R-Really?" I ask and I smile.
"Of course!" He said grinning and I grin back.

I smile and I was about to say something else when Zoe came happily down the stairs and beamed at me.
"Hey there Mattie!"
I give a small smile, "H-Hey Zoe." I mutter and look down.

Guess I wasn't going to tell him yet.
I can wait.
I'll wait.
For him.

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