Chapter nineteen

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A few days later, it was New Years Eve.
Alfred was so excited for the party he could barely sleep, which caused him to play video games.
Very loud video games.
Which consisted of me not sleeping.

And you would think Francis and Arthur would stop him right?
They could sleep through anything.
It was crazy eh?

I only slept for about two hours last night, then I was jolted awake by Grand Theft Auto five.
Not a good night, not at all.
A few hours later, we were getting ready to go to the party.
I put on my suit once again and combed my hair.
The comb touched my curl and I shivered. I quickly put it down and gulped, I controlled my actions and blinked.

Thank god I stopped before the...change...could take place. It would've been terrible.
I'm not going to get into that now, I really don't want to talk about it.

Papa called from downstairs for Alfred and me to hurry up, and I heard Alfred's thundering footsteps speeding down the stairs.
I sighed and followed after him.
We arrived at the party a few minutes late and I noticed there was the hugest line to the beer table.
Immediately, Arthur and Alfred headed there, and Papa stuck by me.

"~Ohonhonhonhon mon petite Mathieu, I will just stay 'ere with you. I only drink the best wine availa-- ANTONIO!" He yelled as he launched himself on to Spain who laughed and hugged back.

I just stood there surprised and a little awkwardly as they both hugged. I waited patiently for Papa to introduce me again when they both pulled away and Papa said excitedly, "Let's find Gilbert!" He said completely forgetting me and dragging Spain with him into the mess of the crowd.

I sighed and head to the food table, where a variety of food from different countries was set out. I grinned as I found a tiny plate of pancakes and grab every single one before I heard a laugh behind me.

"~Kesesesese! Save some for zhe awesome Prussia!" Prussia said as he moved beside me and stole one of my pancakes.

I stick my tongue out at him and I smile, "H-Hey Gil." I said happily.

He smirked, "Vell someone is happy. I am guessing you're having a good day?" He said as he grabbed the cheap knockoff of syrup from the table.

I grabbed his hand and he dropped the syrup, "Yuck. Don't u-use that one, here." I said as he laughed and I took out my emergency Syrup bottle from my hidden pocket in my sweater.

I poured it both his, and my pancakes, before we both sat at a table.
We sat and ate for a few minutes and I roll up my sleeve for a moment to clean off some of the syrup.
Prussia gasps, and I freeze for a moment when he grabbed my wrist and he looked at my arm.

"'re vearing my bracelet I got you!" He said grinning and I sigh on relief.
I pull my hand back after he lets go and I beam. "O-Of course, I haven't t-take it off since. I-it does sound creepy." I reply chuckling a little.

"~Kesesesese" He laughs and smirked.
"I haven't seen my Christmas present yet Birdie, vhy haven't I gotten anyzhing?" He asked pretending to sound hurt and I smile.

I reach into my front left-side pocket and pull out a black box.
He takes it greedily and opens it, and his smirk turns into a grin.
Inside, was the same exact bracelet, except it had tiny beer charms and black crosses all along it.

But in the middle, was a maple leaf.

He gets up and hugs me tightly. I return the hug and once we pull apart, we beam at each other.
I help him put it on and as soon as I do, he hugs me again.
We stay like that for several minutes until we here a yell.

"GET THE HELL OFF MY BROTHER YOU PERVERT!" America yelled and grabbed Prussia suddenly, and turned him around, and punched him in the face.

All hell breaks loose as the two fight each other, and everybody's either drunk or cheering America on.
I remembered standing there shocked and crying out things like, "Stop!" Or "America please!"
I just stood there, watching it all.

I just stood there.

Until, I took action.
I ran into the fight and pried America off Prussia and dragged him to the other side of the room.
That's when everybody saw me.

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