Chapter fifteen

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After that little episode with Gilbert, I was walking on air.

Luckily, and to my surprise, my family didn't notice me kiss anyone, so I silently prayed for thanks for my 'invisible' condition.

I was equally surprised that Gil actually went through with it in ease.

At first, I was terrified to see him after the party, thinking that he would be awkward around me, but I was wrong.
He seemed totally at ease, but I decided not to bring it up. At all.

Especially in front of Zoe. Oh yes, she was still his girlfriend, so I was still pretty sad.

I promised to myself to never forget that oh-so awesome night; and if you know me, I never did.


On Christmas morning, Alfred of course was the first one up. He ran into my room and literally jumped on me.

I yelled then groaned as I clutched my stomach.

"W-What the hell?" I asked as I tried to say up but he just pushed me down.

"DUDE IT'S CHRRRIIIISSSTTMMMAAASSS!" He yelled and stood up quickly.

He grabbed my hand and with his freakish strength, pulled me up and I went flying across the room.

I hit the wall and clutched my head. "M-Maple! Alfred! Calm down! I-I'm up!" I muttered darkly and tried to stand up.

He grinned and helped me up, then he raced down the stairs quite quickly.
I groaned in pain and begrudgingly followed after him.

"Y-You're so immature." I stuttered out as I made my way to the Christmas tree.

"Dude. It's freaking Christmas. What do you expect?!?" He said as he dug under the huge tree.

"Bloody git!" I heard Arthur call behind me as he walked down the staircase with Papa, "Wait for your parents!" Arthur said smiling anyways.

Alfred grinned and tossed him and Papa a present. I crawled over and grabbed one of mine.

"I f-feel like a kid a-again!" I happily announced as I tore off the wrapping paper rather hurriedly.

I clutched the tiny Canadian notepad happily.

"T-Thank you Papa!" I said to Papa Francis who nodded and smiled.

Alfred tore open his presents two at a time, and I opened mine patiently and calmly.

Alfred mostly got American stuff, like video games and a new Xbox.

I mostly got Canadian stuff, like more stuffed polar bears, some new sweaters, and of course, new recipes for poutine. present stood out among the rest. It was a tiny little box. It was addressed to me, but it didn't say who it was from.

I opened the tiny black box and my eyes widened in surprise. It was a friendship bracelet, but with maple leafs and pancakes all around it.

I fingered the delicate charms and my eye caught the very last one on the end.
It was black cross like the one Gilbert would always wear.

I blushed and put it on quickly.


"Hey? What do you got there Mattie?" Alfred asked after we finished opening our presents and started cleaning up the mess of wrapping paper.

I rolled down my sleeve covering up my new bracelet. "Hmm? O-Oh nothing." I said innocently and shoved the wrapping paper in the garbage can.

He rose an eyebrow and continued to play on his new phone.


Relief washed over me as I finished cleaning up and picked up all my presents and headed upstairs. I locked my door and took off my sweater.

I traced some of the scars and smiled. "They're healing." I said without stuttering once, "I can't wait until they're gone!" I said happily then looked at my bracelet.

I smiled and fingered the little cross once more and took out one of my new books I got. I read for a little while and played with Kumajiro for a little bit.

I folded my new sweaters and cleaned up my room. I finally took out my phone and called Gilbert to wish him a Merry Christmas.

He answered on the first ring, surprisingly.

"Hallo? Zhis is zhe awesome Gilbert speaking." He said.

I smiled at his voice, "H-Hello Gilbert. I just wanted to wish you Merry Christmas."

"Birdie! Ja! Frohe Weihnachten!" He said happily.

"That means Merry Christmas right?"

I asked and I could almost hear the smirk in his voice as he said, "Ja. It does."

"Oh, well, Joyeux Noël." I say hiding a little smirk.

"So Birdie, I vas vondering if you vanted to come over for Christmas dinner?" He asked.

I gulped, "U-Uh...I would love to Gil but...."

"Your family, I know. It vas just a question." I heard him sigh over the phone.

I thought for a second, then smiled. "I'll be there. I promise." I said happily.

His voice seemed to perk up and he happily said afterwards, "Ja! Zhis vill be awesome! Almost as awesome as me!" He said as he said a quick goodbye and hung up.

I laughed and smiled down at Kuma.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Canada!" I said happily jumping around.


It took some time, but I finally managed to convince my parents to let me go.

"I-I just want to spend Christmas dinner with my best f-friend." I said a little worried.

"Oui, I know you want to spend time with Gilbert, but you 'ave a family to spend Christmas dinner with Mathieu." Papa France said gently.

Arthur, of course, was not so gentle.

"Absolutely not! Bloody hell Canada! Christmas dinner is about family! Not spend-it-with-an-achohilic-Prussian!" He said annoyed and a little angry.

I became offended and was about to try, (and probably fail,) tell him off when Papa said, "Calm down Angleterre! It is fine. I don't zhink Gilbert 'as any family anyways. Mazhieu will be fine." Papa said soothing Arthur down.

Arthur faulted and sighed angrily. "Fine. Don't stay past twelve." He said turning away.

I beamed and hugged him quickly before hugging Papa and running up to my room in happiness.

I called Gil immediately and told him the news.

"Oh zhat is great Birdie! Gilbird vould be zhrilled to see you again!" He said happily.

"R-Really? He missed me?" I asked surprised. I didn't know a bird could actually MISS people.

"Vell, me too of course." He replied.

I blushed and I thanked God for phones.

"Thanks Gil. I'll be there around eight or so." I said without even stuttering once.

I hung up after a quick goodbye and picked up Kuma. I scratched his head and felt as though I was sitting on cloud nine.

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