The call

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Alice POV

I listened to my brother , I knew it was time . He told me to meet him and have my stuff ready . It hit him that we had to leave and ASAP . I didn't want to I just got my life together . I can't leave and I won't . But like Jeff says " mom and dad put me in charge " so I have to follow his orders .

I didn't wasn't to , Riker just starred at me , I stood silent hearing my brother talk to me then he hung up I dropped my phone

" Alice , what's wrong ?" He sounded worried

" I .... I .... I , I have to go " I said almost breaking into tears

He grabbed my arm

" where ...." He just starred at me , knowing I was going to leave

" far " I whispered to him

" how far " he questioned my answer

" really far " at this point I started crying

He held me tight , really tight

"Don't " he said holding me close

" I , I, gotta leave .... Babe" I cried

He held me tight then he spoke again

"No , I'm not letting you leave , not one chance "

I let go of him and grabbed my bag I was at his door when he kissed me . I wanted to cry really bad . After a while I opened the door , while I opened the door Ross passed by . I couldn't help it but run out of the house . And if your wondering of corse Riker followed me . I ran to where Jeff's car was I was looking for his keys to open the door then Riker came out .he had the keys in his hands and got in the drivers seat .

"Where to ?" He asked as I opened the door and sat down

'My place '

He began to drive while I looked out the window . I can't do this . Not when my life is burly forming . Riker drive fast , but not passing the limit . We arrived at my apartment , Jeff was already getting his things out . I just starred not wanting to leave the car. Riker got out then opened my door handing me the keys .

" what's going on "

" I told you , I'm leaving "

" LEAVING ..... Where ?!" He was worried

I couldn't get the words out of my mouth , it would hurt to much . I didn't want to leave , I finally answered him

'Australia ......'

His face went pail , almost as pail as mine

"But , you can't go ". You could tell he wanted to cry

I held his hand as I dragged him toward my brother

"Where have you been Alice ?! " my brother yelled at me

" with my friend" I replied quietly

' our flight is leaving In exactly 30 min" he said pist

" I'm going , gosh " I went in the apartment and got my suitcases , they have already been packed for when this day came . Riker came in crying , I've never seen a guy cry .

" you can't go " he whispered in my ear

" I don't want to but I have to "

" I thought we had something " he said hugging me

" we do " I kissed him

" then why are you leaving "

" it's not my choice Riker , nothing is my choice . It's my family's choice"

" but why "

Then Jeff of corse came in a messed up everything

"ALICE LETS GO , NOW " he yelled At me in front of Riker

I could tell Riker was pist at him for doing that , he couldn't do anything to Jeff and if he did he knew it would brake my heart .

" ok I'm going " I gave Riker a look , he kissed me then he spoke

" wait for me " he said hugging me

" I will , I'll come back I promise " I whispered to him

" no , I mean wait for me while I get my bags ready " he said . Wait he can't come . He's , he's making a mistake he needs to stay here with his family .

" you can't " I told him

" watch me " he said with a smile

I got my stuff and put it in the car Jeff said he was taking a cab , it gave Riker enough time to pack he thought , or enough time to change his mind

Riker drove fast , took short cuts , and almost passed red lights . Then we reached his house . He got out of the car and ran inside I followed as he packed I explained that we were taking a "trip " for a couple of weeks but I knew I wasn't coming back

Stormie agreed to let Riker go , they said they might come and visit us or take a trip with us

The Riker came down , as he came down I could see is muscles carrying the luggage

Then we head out the door and into the car

Riker drove to the airport we saw Jeff and met with him , he helped get Riker's ticket and then into the waiting room . I couldn't believe Riker would do this for me . Come to Aussie

We boarded the plane . It was 14 hours from LA to Aussie . Good thing we got first class . It was two seat next to each other , only 2 seats . Riker questioned me about my life in Aussie and how it was and I basically told him everything . I didn't tell him who or where my parents where . If he new he wouldn't treat me the same or look at me the same way

Authors note : sorry this chapter was short ! There are big things comment and wanted to get this part down . But yeah there is something big coming !

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