Chapter 11: From Nieces to Nyx

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 Chapter 11: From Nieces to Nyx

Aubrey opened her eyes to her familiar little room. She wasn't sure how long she had been out but her entire body felt groggy. She tried piece her memories together, but a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. Before Aubrey could answer, a tall woman sashayed in, followed closely by Finley.

"Come for round two?" Aubrey asked the sylph, despite the pain she still felt.

"No, hen. We hae come to break ye out."

Aubrey stared in confusion. It had to be a test. She glanced at the tall blonde. The woman's blue eyes looked judgingly around the room.

"This is where Ares had you stay?" the woman asked.

"Yeah," Aubrey replied. "Not exactly a five star hotel. I'm sorry... who are you?"

"I'm Heydon. My father, Eros, sent me to bring you home. Apparently he has had enough of Ares's games."

"Heydon? I thought your name was Hedone?"
"It is, but I prefer Heydon. Think of it as a nickname. Now, you've already met Finley. Let's go."

"No," Aubrey said. Her voice was firm.

"Excuse me?"

"Not until I know I can trust you. Finley already tired to kill me in the ring. How do I know this isn't some sort of trick?"

"You don't." Heydon glared at her. Not one for being patience, she began to tap her pink pump against the stone floor. "Fine. Like I said, Eros sent me. He reminded me that I don't do enough for the family. It was easy to persuade Timor into letting me watch the competition and even easier to sweet talk him into letting Finley fight you. You're welcome by the way. They would have put you up against someone who wouldn't have thrown the match as quickly."
"It was set up?" Aubrey asked, not quite buying it.

It was Finley who answered. "Aye. But fur what it is worth, ye are very strong."

"Anyways," Heydon continued, "Now that the Battle is over, Ares will take his men to war with the giants. You wouldn't believe the lengths I had to go through to make sure your absence here wouldn't be noticed."

"Aye, sleepin' wit half of Ares's men must have bin such a sacrifice," Finley said.

Aubrey tried to hide her snicker as she asked, "How did you find me?"

"That was easy. Aam a sylph. An air fey. I can appear as invisible as th' wind. Which made it easy to follow Lupe when he carried ye back here. Once Heydon was done seducin' Timor, I led her here."

Aubrey slowly nodded her head, not wanting to question that last statement. Finley walked forward, silently asking to approach Aubrey. With her approval, the fiery sylph unlocked the tracker. Aubrey felt a huge weight lift off her. She quickly grabbed her few possessions and booked it to the door.

Once she was out of the room, she could go anywhere. If Ares was really going to war with the giants than she would have plenty of time to figure out what her next step.

"Not so fast," Heydon said and grabbed Aubrey's arm with her perfectly manicured hand. "We leave together. Eros wants to see you and then you can disappear to whatever place on the planet you want. I wouldn't go to far though."

With that, the three were out the door and pulled into a cloud of smoke. Aubrey's head felt slightly woozy. Landing on her feet, she was brought face to face with her brother.

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