Chapter 15: Changes Like the Season

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Chapter 15: Changes Like the Season

Aubrey woke with Aiden's arms tightly wrapped around her. She did not even remember him coming to bed. She tried to wiggle closer to him, but her gut twisted with grief when no comfort came. Swiftly squirming out of Aiden's warm embrace, she darted for the bathroom in hopes of leaving the apartment before he woke up.

Aubrey rushed through her morning routine, skipping the works and opting for the bare minimal. She didn't want to frighten the townspeople. As she quietly closed the apartment door, relief rushed through her. She had successfully avoided what she knew would be an awkward conversation, at least on her part. Collecting her thoughts, she knew there was no need to call a taxi. She was going for a grand entrance. No more games.

Aubrey put on her all business face and envisioned the golden walls of Eros's office. In an instant, a rush of air swept her away without a stumble.

Eros sat at his desk with a very surprised look on his usually well-calculated face. Grand entrance, indeed. She wasted no time in getting to the point as she shooed away his secretary who hovered over paperwork that lay on his large oak desk.

"What in the gods names are you thinking?" Eros asked. "What if I had a client in here with no knowledge of our world?"

"Well, I guess that would create a dilemma...for you."

"What has gotten into you?"

"Oh, no. I get to ask the questions this time, brother. For months, you and the rest of the family have been pulling me around like some rag doll. I'm done. I get to ask the questions now, and you get to honestly answer."

"And if I don't?" he asked. The smirk on his face seemed more amused than anything else.

"I haven't thought about that yet. But I'm pretty creative. I'm sure I could think of something." Months ago it would have been an empty threat made by harsh words, but she was not sure if that were the case anymore. She could feel a dark presence looming around her mind every time she got angry.

"Ask away," Eros said. His hands were neatly folded on his desk as if he were about to negotiate a business pitch.

"Who is my soulmate?"

"I thought you didn't want to know that?"

"I've changed my mind. Answer the question."

Eros's smile didn't reach his eyes. "If you'd like me to find him for you, I will. But I will need some time-"

"Bullshit," she interrupted. "You already know who he is. Tell me."

Eros released an annoyed breath and gestured for Aubrey to sit before. "Alright. I dreaded this day would come. Your soulmate is someone you can never be with."

"Why?" She already knew why, but she needed to hear him say it.

Aubrey could see the inner battle that waged behind his blue eyes. Finally, he said, "Ares's told me that you know about the prophesy, or at least the gist of it. Damien Alexander is your mate, but that doesn't mean it will end in happily ever after. And now I know you've met him even if you won't admit it."

"And how do you know that?"

"Your actions say it all."

Aubrey wanted to roll her eyes. The man was either psychic too or knew her too well. Hesitantly, she asked, "What do you mean it won't end happily?"

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