Chapter 9

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I love all the comments urging me to update! I'm really glad you all are that interested in my story! <3 

I apologize my updates are so slow. My only excuse is school :(

I hope you all enjoy this next chapter! Big things are happening! Vote and comment please :D


We were in the skies again, my eyes squinted against the blistering wind. I was thinking back again on what Hiruk had told me. He said he was very close to breaking out, which makes me question my vision from the dragon council. I thought he was free, but perhaps the mountain is not the only thing holding him? Does the magic still bind him in some way? Alume joined in on my thoughts.

"It's possible. Perhaps he's still bound by Lekila's spell in some way."

"I don't understand. If that's the case then that buys us some time, but..."

"The second he's out from that, we must act. Your plan, Carina...I don't know how sure I am of it." Alume admitted.

"And you think I'm sure? I don't even know how the Eri works, let alone its capabilities."

"Are you sure you're willing to make that sacrifice, Carina? I know I am, I'm with you the whole way, but aren't you frightened?" Alume's words rang in my ears.

"Of course I'm frightened. I'm terrified. If we fail...I can't even imagine. Everyone is relying on our success. Also, what is Hiruk's plan really? I don't think it's simply fly across the land and burn everything. He told me he wants mortals, everyone for that matter, to bow down to him. He wants power over both worlds."

"We do have an army in Pelor. They obviously will stand against him before he can even get to the portal boundary. Atra doesn't have great defenses. They barely stood against scouts, if you remember."

"Too well. And from what I know of Hiruk, I'm sure he knows about those in Pelor. He'd probably head there first. Rid the world of those that stand against him. He's very sure of his success. I don't think he'd hesitate the second he was able."

"He obviously has his own followers as well. Without the dragons, I don't know how much of a chance we stand."

I frowned. It was true that without the dragons, we were severely at a disadvantage. But it seemed since the council meeting that they were more willing to be involved, at least in aiding my success.

"I think the dragons are realizing that this is no longer just about fighting Hiruk, but also defeating his entire plan. If they could only just help with the armies, at least that would help."

"If you can convince them to aid our armies, I think it would be a significant advantage for us."

I nodded, even though Alume couldn't see me. I shivered from the cold of the wind hitting my face as Septa pushed himself against it. Time was of the essence now. I would have to worry about gaining the dragons' help afterwards. Right now I had to focus on whatever challenges awaited me getting the Eri.

I woke up to a feeling of dread. My bones felt cold, and not from the wind. I didn't remember falling asleep on Septa, but I was glad Caius was holding me in place to keep me from falling. I looked around and Caius gave me a questioning look. "How long have we been flying?" I shouted over the gust and flap of Septa's wings.

"Almost all day. The sun is about to set." Caius gestured with his chin toward the sun dipping below the horizon and I let out a breath I had felt myself holding.

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