✧ eight ✧

774 31 17


(prepare for sin.)

new chat with Hux 😒💖

hux 😒💖 : hey shit head, can I come over?

kylo 😏💞 : NO WHAT

hux 😒💖 : oh?

kylo 😏💞 : SORry it's just that my room is a fucking mess and I want you to be able to relax

hux 😒💖 : alright babe. tomorrow?

kylo 😏💞 : of course


Kylo sighed to himself and ran a hand through his hair. Gotta clean my room, I guess.

kylo 😏💞 : what time tomorrow?

Setting his phone aside, he started with all the clothes on the floor. His separated the dirty from the clean and threw a load in the wash. Taking the clean clothes, he hung them all up in order of most-to-least worn/liked.

He picked up all the papers and threw the majority of the papers away, since they were old schoolwork - useless during the summer, obviously. Kylo put all the drawings he did of his cat, Poe and the ones of Hux in the top drawer of his dresser. He threw all the broken binders and folders away.

Sighing, he took a short break when Poe decided to sit on him for about an hour.

hux 😒💖 : I'm not sure. I'll text you.

Kylo then continued to put all the miscellaneous shoes and bags in a somewhat organizational matter in his closet.

Kylo threw his hair up in a bun and yawned.


Kylo then picked up all his colored pencils, pens and regular drawing pencils and put them away. He then vacuumed his room and the rest of his apartment.

He crashed around 4:10.


The next morning, Kylo woke up to Hux knocking on his door. He quickly threw on a sweatshirt, brushed his teeth and threw his hair in a bun (to fix the one from last night).

Three new messages from Hux 😒💖

Kylo ran to the door and opened it for Hux.

"Shit, sorry about that. I was up late cleaning." Kylo mumbled in a groggy voice as he rubbed his eyes.

Hux rolled his eyes. "You didn't have to clean, y'know."

"I know, I just wanted to." Kylo brought Hux inside. The ginger boy quietly followed Kylo to his room.

"Wow, it looks nice." Hux said softly as Kylo climbed back into bed.

"Thanks." he replied in a sleepy voice, whilst closing his eyes.

"Babe, don't fall asleep." Hux said as he took his shoes and pants off to crawl into bed with his boyfriend.

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