Chapter 8

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Willow P.O.V

Almost everything was back to normal, I still had to clean and still ignored the list, and Lucas would rant at me at night about how I need to listen. I’ve been here half a month and you would think he got a clue, I’m not ever going to listen. I care for the children three times a day and there have been no incidents, all there bruises are gone and they now laughed freely. When someone opens the door they weren’t scared anymore, well a little but, not too much. “Willow! You still haven’t organized my desk; it’s on your list from two days ago!” Lucas starts yelling, I had just returned from the laundry room.

 “Oh shut-up! Your clothes are done.” I snap at him, he hadn’t laid a hand on me or the children ever since that day. He doesn’t threaten to do something to the children anymore either, Katrina still hasn’t returned.

“You need to get half the children ready.” I hear him behind me, my back stiffens and I turn to face him.

 “For what?” my voice is tense.

 “There a list who leaving, some are sold and some are adopted.” I think for a minute.

 “Sold as what?” I finally ask.

 “To another slave house, different master, basically just like this.” My eyes widen.

“You’re selling them to another man like you?” I ask bluntly.

 He huffs in annoyance “Yes I am! If you disagree then your job position will be taken!” he snaps at me and for some reason no fury comes just a depression settles, I feel as if I lost half of myself. Tears threaten and I ask “Please don’t sell them!” I whisper, holding my tears back.

He seems shocked at my reaction but, shakes his head “If you want the others to eat I have to.” He turns and leaves me; slowly I make my way to the children.

“What’s wrong?” Little Sarah tugs on my hand, when I walk into the room.

All eyes are on me, “Some of you are getting families” My chin quivers and some children cry with glee “Others are being sold to another slave home.” Tears start to fall and I hug Sarah to my chest,

“Who’s on the list?” Jacob is behind me asking sadly, sighing I unfold the paper, my hands shake and I scan the room and start reading, Emma, Handan, Carla, Ace, Madelyn, Mickey, and David. I try to hold the tears that threaten.

 “It’s okay, we’ll be fine.” The oldest in the group Carla, spoke softly. She had soft auburn hair and she was thin, but if she ever got enough food, she would fill out nicely. Her eyes were a bright green and she had freckles sprawled on her nose.

 “Okay” I say my voice trembling, I felt so odd, and this is not the way I act.

 “If you are ever in danger just, call me, I don’t know how but, I’ll hear you. I will come get you.” I state my voice regaining its strength.

 “Yes ma’am” Mickey had answered.

“Grab your belongings, who ever going to the slave house and please follow me.” A man I didn’t recognize stood in the doorway, he was very muscular and stood 6’4”, and he had blonde hair and gray eyes. My instincts told me he wasn’t a bad guy.

I watch the children in a single file line, receive hugs from the others and I hug them at the door. “Remember what I told you” I whispered in each of their ears. After they disappeared I read the children who were receiving home but, instead of happiness they were all glum, from the loss of their friends. “Cheer up, they’ll be fine. You should be glad you’re receiving home, they’d want you to be happy.” I made it sound as if they died. All they did is nod and leave with the next person, I had nine children left.

Lucas P.O.V

She couldn’t see me, I watched her in the shadows, trying to cheer the children up. I was still in shock over her reaction when I told her that they were going one way or another, she looked torn, like I had just ripped her in half. I felt guilty, me guilty! She was doing something to my house, slaves and me. I hated to admit it but, she was quiet interesting. I felt guilty for choking her, for almost whipping her, and everything else I’ve done. She hasn’t made my blood boil ever since she got the job of the children. She still had a temper but, she was at least trying.

Katrina had disappeared, I couldn’t contact her and she still hadn’t returned. Where was she? Did she find out anything about Willow? I still had a short patience. “Master?” I turn abruptly to see one of my new slaves, she was petite and summited easily, and I didn’t like her, for some odd reason.

“Yes?” I snap.

 Her eyes wide with fright, she begins to stutter “I-I w-w-was t-t-t” I couldn’t understand a word,

“Would you stop being stupid and speak already?” I snap violently and squeeze my hand into a fist.

 “I-I was t-told t-to tell you that your w-wanted I-in the l-l-library.” Her stutter was still there and she was shaking like a leaf.

“Okay and why are you still here?” I ask my voice dripping with venom.

 “You d-d-didn’t d-dismiss m-me” glaring at her, like this was her fault.

 “Your dismissed” she nods her head and scurries away quickly. Turning my attention back to Willow, she's gone. I search from my spot but, don’t see her.

“Looking for me?” Whirling around I find willow behind me.

“How did-” She cuts me off “It's not polite to stalk.” Her voice is filled with mischief.

 “I wasn’t stalking! This is my house.” I snap defensively.

 “No need for a temper.” She cocks an eyebrow, why wasn’t she upset anymore.

 “Did the children all go?” I ask watching her reaction.

Her eyes darken and she clenches her fist “Yes but, I know they’ll be fine.” I let it at that, until I knew how to control her, I wasn’t going to push her buttons.

 “They’ll be fine.” I say brushing past her; I can hear her behind me. Instead of following she went back with the children. Sighing I let my thoughts jumble around wondering who could possibly be bothering me now.

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