Chapter 10

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Lucas P.O.V

          Sitting in the limo across from Willow I stare at her, while her eyes remain on me, glaring.  Her eyes flicker to the window for a moment but, quickly come back to me. I never studied her like this for once she’s quiet, and motionless. She has beautiful deep red hair, her nose is small and almost tips at the end, she’s small but curvy. She also has a tone of muscles if she flexes a little bit. My eyes trail down the rest of her body slowly and I see her fidget for an instant and then still. “Eyes up here, creep” she says angrily. Looking to her face her mouth is turned down in a frown and her eyes are hard and emotionless.

“Your very beautiful for a human” I try to sound pleasantly seeing as were going to be stuck in this vehicle for 12 hours. Try and get to common ground so we don’t end up killing each other.

“Keep your comments to yourself alien” She snaps, obviously not going to warm up to me any time soon. “Where are we even going?”  I hadn’t told her yet, I had gotten a message from a friend of mine and I guess Katrina had let some things slip because he requested I come with Willow because he may know some stuff, of what we’re looking for.

“You’ll see when we get there” I state for the tenth time. Rolling her eyes she continues to glare at me. “Look I know I may be the sexiest thing you ever seen on earth but, you’re staring getting annoying.”

Snorting and making an aggravated noise in the back of her throat, she finally looks away mumbling “as if.” I can’t help but smiling, she eyes me out of the corner of her eye.

“Look I just figured we can come to truce on this trip, once back at the manor we will go right back to normal.” I say slowly so she doesn’t get offended somehow.

“I’d rather just stay as we are now” She says just as calmly.  Maybe I’m getting somewhere. “If you think I’m going to get along with your kind your dead wrong.” Huffing she turns back toward the window ignoring me. Or not. Sighing I lean back in my seat, seeing as I’m getting nowhere with her. Closing my eyes I drift into a light sleep, ready to jump just in case of anything.

Willow P.O.V

     Watching Lucas from the corner of my eye, he closes his eye but his bodies tense obviously ready to pounce.  He wanted a truce just for now but, I see no point. He was stupid to even suggest one and beautiful for a human? I take that as an insult. Eyeing the scenery its dessert and nothing for miles, I suspect he choose this route for a reason; if I escaped I couldn’t hide. He still wouldn’t answer where we were going through and that leaves me on edge, it’s not as if I can lean back and close my eyes, with him near.  I want to try and escape but, the children. If I escape it’ll be harder to get them out but, it may somehow be easier after all there is a window in their room, if I somehow cut the bars off I could slide each out and hurry and take shelter in the woods behind then find them all safely but, my group had been captured. I would have to find another group, I couldn’t stay though I was a danger, and I understand that now.

Just get the children safe.

I was getting use to my mind talking as if it wasn’t my thoughts, like a different me. Someone else, but still me. Lucas moves and I tense my shoulder, relaxing after a few seconds, he only shifted, his breathing deeper and his posture slacking. A sly smile appears on my face, I could jump out of the car right now and he wouldn’t notice till the car came to a screeching halt. But as I had seen earlier there would be no safety to get to, so maybe if I wait until we get near a wooded area and I could leave a note for Lucas to give to the children, so they know I haven’t forgotten.

“Lucas” he stirs but doesn’t wake up. “Lucas” I say louder and kicking his leg at the same time.

“What! What!” He shoots up, eyes big and glazy with sleep.

“I need pen and paper.” The sleep starts to wear off and he eyes me suspiciously.

“Why” he’s already digging in his briefcase.

“I’m bored and I thought” I pause until he looks back at me, “we could do a truce for now” I smile warmly. He stares at my face for any trace of what I may be up to. Finally he nods handing me the paper and pen.

“What time is it?” Lucas mumbles to himself while glancing down at his watch, leaning towards me I freeze wondering what he’s up to, my muscles tense and I’m ready to punch him. Leaning over me he knocks on the window separating us from the driver, his chest his in my face and I have to keep myself from growling and shoving him away, instead I sit silently. Staring at how the fabrics flexes when he moves revealing a large set of muscles, of course I knew he had muscles in the mansion I got to see them a lot but, this was different more close up.

“Will you move” clenching my jaw, I ask as politely as I can. Moving back to his seat he looks at me but, his attention is diverted when the window lowers.

“Yes, sir. You wanted?” The driver asks. I don’t bother to turn and look I already know he’s alien.

“I want to stop somewhere to eat, I’m sure my accompany is hungry too” his eyes fixate on me, and there a spark of something.

“Yes, sir” and then I hear the window clink signaling it’s back up. I haven’t said a word to Lucas, my mind was still trying to sort it out and why he being that near had aggravated me. It’s because of his kind, I didn’t want his freak self near me. I replay these words in my mind over and over, but they somewhat feel wrong.

“Do you know where you want to eat?” He asks his eyes never wondering from me and suddenly I feel claustrophobic.

“Um- waffle house?” I ask tentatively, not sure if I can trust my own voice.

“I’ve been there a few times, there food is quite appetizing” he smiles.

“I’ve been there once, aliens know how to cook. I had a friend Jean she made the best waffles and hash browns though” I smile sadly at the memory.

“Where is she now?” my eyes sharpen, very away he is an alien and I would never dare to give out information of a human to him or any of his kind.

“She was captured” Gritting my teeth together I continue on, “I went to save her and that’s how I was first enslaved, she then died trying to get me out.”  He looked like he wanted to defend his kind but, thought better of it.

“We- my kind- were superior so we do what necessary from losing the superiority.” He says cautiously, thinking out his words.

“Superior! You guys are blue freaks with torture powers, you don’t belong here and you should of stayed where you belonged” I growled beyond furious that he thought himself superior.

“Look I didn’t choose to be here” he snapped, “It was crowded on are home, it was becoming a wasteland. So we moved and found here, we are superior because of are powers, just as you were superior over the animals, I am superior over you.”

“This was my world! I have grown up, with you guys here. I can’t even begin to understand how my ancestors felt when just humans existed and then had to live in terror because overnight some freaks in UFO’s came and took over!” I am at the verge of screaming at him.

“I understand you; Humans have always wanted power-”

“Not just humans freak, you want power to, and you love control.” I cut him off; we needed to divert the conversation before something happened.

“That is true” he nods, searching for words. He obviously didn’t mean to take the conversation this way.

“I think keeping this truce will need a little more work” he gives a lopsided grin, rolling my eyes I turn back towards the door.  “Get some sleep” he lays back against the seat and when his faint snores fill the air I’m sure he’s asleep. Looking down at the paper and pen in my lap, I start the note I will have to leave coded so nobody understands but the children.

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