Chapter 7

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Willow P.O.V

       I was standing around glass and clothes; I might have had a slight tantrum like a two year old. “So we’ll be moving room’s right?” I ask sweetly, Lucas was standing there gaping at the mess.

 He slowly gained his composer “What the hell happened!” he roared and my heart jumped in joy, he was defiantly mad.

 “I got bored” I smile. He didn’t move an inch, glass was everywhere. I had grabbed a vase in the room and slammed it on the wall and shattered the bathroom mirror, and picture frames. He had a lot of glass in his room, I had ripped the clothes out of the closet and all along I was hoping he'd be mad, he confined me to a room! If he was going to treat me as a child, I’d act like a child.

 “Oh I’m going to kill you.” He said his voice low and angry.

 “Oh goody!” I said with glee, this was not me. I realized I was possessed or something. Lucas started making his way to me and I stood straight and proud awaiting my death.

 “Oh My Gosh!” Samantha behind Lucas, gaping at the mess “She defiantly has a death wish.” She was staring at me as if I was crazy.

 “Maybe him choking me so many times, mad me go crazy” I somehow danced over the glass without cutting my feet, was I floating? Looking down nope the glass moved anywhere I walked. What the heck? Lucas was gaping at me again and staring at the glass moving out of my way. Giggling I continue to twirl around the room and finally it stops, and I cut my foot “Oche!” I yell.

      There was glass stuck in my foot and I felt like myself again. Gapping at the room “How did I do this?” I ask, I remember doing this but, how? Lucas was still staring at me “Take a picture it last longer” I snap, he realizes I’m myself again.

 “Your life is over!” he storms toward me, where I had left a path of no glass, my foot was throbbing and I still had the glass stuck in my foot.

Holding my hands out toward him “I don’t know why I did this but, it wasn’t me I swear” I was scared, actually scared.

 He must have seen it on my face because he stopped, two feet away. “What do you mean it wasn’t you?” he asks curiously.

 “I mean it was me but, after you left I don’t know I remember just being so angry and I saw you kill Sarah, I snapped.” It sounded totally ridiculous but, a memory comes to mind.

    “What did you do!” his voiced roared, I stood in the blood and disaster I made.

“Where is she?!” I screamed, I was shaking with fury, I had killed eight aliens. Their blood soaked the once white carpet.

“You’re going to pay!” his voice roared.

 “Not if you die first” my voice was soft but, he heard me. Swinging he goes for my face but, I twirl quickly out of the way and kick him in the gut. “Oaf” he leans over, staring at him I wish he would kill himself. He started to attack himself, my voice rings out, and I’m laughing.

“Tell me where she is?” I ask politely, he had fear in his eyes and my chest swelled with pride, he feared me.

“She's dead” a sickening snap filled the room, looking at his body, I had broken his neck. Everything went black.

 I burst into tears and Lucas is standing there watching me confused.  “What’s wrong?” his voice is almost tender.

 “Get away from me! You freaking monster” I sneer, I hated them. I hated all of them! His face doesn’t show anger, “You killers! You monsters! Why?” I was screaming, I started shaking from the rage, Calm, breath slowly, calm yourself. I hear a soothing voice and I slowly start to calm down “I’m sorry.” I growl at Lucas.

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