Chapter 11 - Going Home

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The doctor walked into Peyton's room in the late morning of the next day, March 14. He was smiling as he walked in to talk to us.

"I have an announcement to make," he said so all of us could hear, "I have spoken with some other doctors and myself only to conclude that we believe Peyton Gray should go home. We want her to be surrounded by familiar furniture, pictures, rooms, colors, etcetera."

I smiled at Linda, Maria, and Paisley who were all smiling at each other and me. We were all excited that she would be able to go home.

"Thank you, doctor," Paisley gave him a polite smile as he walked out of the room.

At the door, he stopped and turned around, "I will be back with release papers for you to sign, Mrs. Gray."

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Grabb," Linda looked at him and thanked him, then turned back around towards Peyton who was still sleeping.

"We get to take her home," Paisley couldn't stop grinning.

"Yeah," I nodded, "will I be able to stay with you guys completely until Peyton is better?"

"Luke, by the time Peyton is better, you might be back on tour," Paisley sighed.

"Oh.. yeah," I looked down at Peyton, or sure of what to do. I finally thought, "no. Peyton is more important to me. I'm going to stay with her until she's better, even if it takes a year."

"The doctor said it would take from two weeks to six months, if she ever gets her memory back."

"Well, I'll still stay with her. If she never gets her memory back, I'll have to make up three years worth of lost relationship."

"I'm sorry, Luke, but yes, you will. Mum, Maria, and I will have to make up ten years of memories with her," Paisley explained, which made me feel selfish.

"I'm sorry, guys. I didn't mean to-"

"No, Luke, you're okay," Linda assured me, "I know how much Peyton means to you. For us, she remembers us and Paisley has six years worth of memories with her and I have nine. You, well, you don't. She doesn't remember you at all."

I nodded, "I know. That's why I want her to remember sooner. Linda, when we get back to your house, I have to tell you something... privately."

"Okay. We just need to get home first," she chuckled. As the doctor walked back in, Paisley crouched down to Peyton.

"Peyton, you need to wake up," she said softly to her older sister. Peyton stirred and soon opened her eyes to look at Paisley, then me.

"Peyton, we're leaving. You're getting out of the hospital and going home," I explained.

"Really?" She smiled.

"Yeah, you're able to go home. Are you excited?" Paisley wondered.

"I am! I want to go home!" Peyton exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, we're taking you home now," I grinned at her.


Linda signed the papers that Dr. Grabb had given her to sign. We were able to take Peyton home then. A few nurses walked into the room and helped get the machines off of Peyton. We then helped her stand up and she got her regular clothes back on.

After she was dressed, she walked with us out of the room, then out of the hospital. She waved goodbye to a few nurses and Dr. Grabb before following us outside. I led her to her mum's car.

"Is this mum's car?" She wondered.

"Yes, Peyton, it is," I nodded, opening the door for her.

"I don't want to go in her car. I want to go with you," she turned towards me. I couldn't believe what she was saying. She'd rather go home with someone she'd just met than go home with her own mother.

"Are you sure?" I questioned, and she nodded.

"Is that okay, Linda?" I asked her mum, and she told me it was okay. I smiled as I walked with Peyton to my car.

"So why do you want to go home with me instead of with your mum and Paisley? We're both going to the same place, you know?"

"I know. I just want to go with you so we can talk on the way there," she smiled.

"Oh.. okay," I nodded, "what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know. Do I have a job?"

"No, you just stay at home with your mum and help her with things around the house."

"Okay. Do you have a job?" She wondered.

"I-" I began to stutter, "I d-do have a job."

"What is it?"

"I travel around the world with three of my best friends."

"That's a job?"

"Well, we're musicians. We play our music in concerts to people around the world."

"That's cool! Do I ever go with you?"

"No, you don't. My manager doesn't allow you to go with us. I've talked to him about it a lot, but he still says no," I frowned.

"Okay. Are you gone for a long time?"

"Sometimes, yes. I'm gone anywhere from a month to three months at a time. I come back to Australia in between those months to see you and my family."

"That's good," she smiled, "when will you leave next?"


I'm sorry I didn't update this yesterday but since I took two weeks off, I need to get used to updating again. Also, because it's summer, I have a pretty hectic schedule. I hope to make it easier to remember to update as I start again. Thanks for understanding. I love you guys:)

-Lizzie xx

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