Chapter 16 - Soon

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About two and a half months had passed, and Peyton was getting better. She didn't completely remember anything quite yet, but we had an appointment with the doctors that day to see how her brain was.

Peyton and I did what we promised each other; we forgot about our relationship until she would remember everything. I didn't want our relationship slowing down her brain in remembering things. The doctors thought it was a good idea, too.

"Peyton, let's get going to the hospital, okay?" Linda yelled upstairs to where Peyton and I were. I was helping her to make sure she didn't take anything she wasn't allowed to for her MRI and cat scan. The doctors wanted to do everything they could to measure how long it would take for her to remember and to track her progress. This was our fourth time going for scans.

Once Linda, Paisley, Peyton, and I were all in the car, Linda drove off towards the hospital. It seemed like we were there within a few seconds because I was so excited to learn from the doctors about Peyton's progress.

"We're just on time for our appointment, so they shouldn't make us wait very long, if they make us wait at all," Linda told us as we all got out of the car and walked towards the hospital doors.

Paisley, Peyton, and I sat in the waiting room for a few minutes as Linda checked Peyton in. She came over to sit with us for just a minute or two until a doctor came out and called for Peyton.

We all walked with Peyton to where the doctor was taking her. The doctor stopped at a door and told us that only Peyton could go into the room, and that she would be out "soon." "Soon" seemed like forever to me, though.

After waiting for the longest time, the doctor walked out of the room with Peyton. He told Linda, Paisley, and me that we would be able to see the results of the MRI soon (he always used the word soon), and that we should get going to the other test, the cat scan.

"Where is the room for the cat scan?" Linda asked the doctor as he walked behind her, towards the hallway.

"I'll show you," the doctor walked in front of us after we all turned around and began to follow him. I looked at Peyton as she walked beside me and smiled at her when she looked at me.

When we got to the room for the cat scan, the doctor told us again that Peyton was the only one that was allowed to go in. Dr. Grabb took her in, the same doctor who had helped us right after Peyton's crash. And again, we waited for what felt like the longest time during the test.


"Soon," as Dr. Grabb had said, we found out the results of the tests. There was a group of doctors that the results were shown to, and none of the doctors could believe how much she'd improved since the last time she was in the hospital for tests.

I asked the doctor if I could talk to him privately, and he agreed. We walked away from Peyton and her family. I wanted to just talk to the doctor without anyone else hearing.

"So when do you think Peyton will get her memory back? Let me guess.. Soon?" I joked.

"Actually, yes. I believe that when she wakes up tomorrow morning, she should remember everything, everything that she couldn't remember and everything that happened during the time she couldn't remember," Dr. Grabb informed me. I couldn't believe it!

"You really think it'll be that soon?" I smiled, not sure of what I was going to do.

"Yes, Mr. Hemmings. I think it will be that soon. Peyton is very lucky to have someone that cares so much about her," he looked me right in the eyes.

"I do really care about her. A lot," I nodded, "Thank you, Doctor."

"Anytime, Mr. Hemmings. Would you like me to tell the family about my inference?" He questioned, "Or do you want to tell them?"

"I'll tell them," I promised Dr. Grabb. "You've been so much of a help."

"I try my hardest," he smiled as I walked from him towards the Gray family. We all said goodbye to the doctor before walking out of the hospital and getting into the car.

Linda began to drive away from the hospital as I thought of a plan. I would tell both Paisley and Linda about Peyton, but I wouldn't tell Peyton. I didn't want to jinx it, or anything similar to that. I wanted her to wake up tomorrow morning and be surprised that it happened. I had a plan of what I would do the next morning after Peyton woke up.

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