Chapter 7

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Meghan's Point of View

"Bye Liam!" I called, as I walked down the stairs. "Bye baby!" He yelled, which was then followed by multiple coughs. Liam had gotten sick over the long weekend, and so I insisted for him to stay in bed. As I slipped on my shoes, Gale walked out from the kitchen.

He wasn't supposed to be here!

"Hi....?" He said, eyeing me weirdly. "Meghan." I said, buckling the strap on my heels. "Oh yeah," he said, scratching the back of his neck, "Jessica's friend right?" I nodded, "Yes." He came over to me, and I backed up a bit. "What are you doing here?" He asked, I bit my lip, "I was just saying 'bye' to Liam. I had visited him." He nodded slowly, "Ok... Bye..." I grabbed the door handle, "Bye."

Driving home I blasted The Hills by The Weekend, and sang along. These past few days have been absolutely beautiful, expect for that one little speck. Though as I bobbed my head to the music, I let my worries sink away, and watched as the streets faded by, and the road stretched on.

Jessica's Point of View

I placed my hands on Ben's shoulders as we swayed to the music. He had his hands on my waist, and gave it a light squeeze. I blushed from his movement, "Thank you for coming to this ceremony Liam, it means a lot to my dad." My dad had got promoted, like a really big promotion, so they held a fancy dinner ceremony for it. "Anything for you, or your dad." Liam replied, grinning. Laughing, we walked towards the food table, and grabbed some desert. "This all looks so good!" I said, placing as many brownies, cookies, and cakes I could fit on my tiny plate. I blushed, realizing I probably looked like a pig. But turned to look at Ben, to realize he was doing the exact same thing. We both looked at each other and laughed, then walked over to our table.

Ben and I headed upstairs, and got changed into our pj's. "Night dad!" I called, as Ben joined me at the railing, "Night Mr.Heart!" My dad looked up at us and chuckled, "Night guys." We went back into my room, and snuggled in the bed. "Goodnight Princess," Ben said, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight Benny," I replied, and dozed off cuddled in his arms.


"Let's go on a double date!" I said to Meghan, as we left Forever 21. "Huh? Uh, why?" She asked, I shrugged, "Haven't seen Sam in a while, and you guys are so adorable together!" She chewed on her lip and looked around, "Yeah I guess... Hm, sure, when?" I smiled, "Yay! This Friday, we can go to a this new restaurant I found!" She nodded, "Alright, sounds good."

Meghan's Point of View

I tugged on my hair, as I paced around my bedroom. "What did I just do?" I mumbled, as tears slid down my cheeks. I can't tell Jessica I'm dating Liam, and I can't tell Liam I'm going on a date with Sam!  I sighed, and dried my eyes. I guess I'll just have to figure something out, talk to Sam.

"Hey Sam?" I said, as I approached him at his locker. He looked at me confused, "Uh, hi Meghan." I awkwardly shoved my hands in my jean pockets, "Could you accompany me to this dinner thing on Friday please? As my date?" His eyes looked like they would pop out of their sockets, but he quickly responded, "Why?" I took a deep breath, "I'm going on a double date with Jessica and Ben, and I need you to come with me. Just like old times?" It was hard for me to say the last part, considering I felt like I was lying straight to his face, because once this was over I'd probably never talk to him again. He shrugged, "Okay, pick you up at 7?" I nodded, "Perfect, thank you." Walking away, my heart ached, bad. I could do this, I could do this. Make everyone happy... Sorta....


This isn't cheating right? I'm not gonna kiss him, nothing. That's fine, right?

I repeated these thoughts in my head as I got ready. I applied some deep red lipstick to my lips, and some mascara. I quickly did some winged liner, and  applied some foundation and bronzer. Perfect. I slipped on my dress, and buckled up my wedges. I'm ready, for this night of lies.

"You look nice," Sam whispered, as we walked into the restaurant with Jess and Ben. "Thanks, you too." I replied, trying to be polite. He slipped his arm around my waist, and I fumbled with my clutch. I didn't like the feeling of anybody else's arms on my waist than Liam's. He smiled at me, and I forced one back, hopefully not looking too fake.

We all sat down at a table, and started ordering. "So what have you two been up too recently?" Jess asked, smirking at the both of us. "Oh," I responded, cutting in before Sam could, "not too much, studying for exams and stuff. You guys?" Jess smiled, "Went to this amazing carnival recently. And I beat Ben at bumper cars!" She laughed as Ben rolled his eyes playfully, and gave her a peck on the lips.

"That's cool," I said, as our food arrived. "You guys should totally come with us next time!" She said, before sipping her Coke. I laughed, and avoided her gaze by staring up at the tv ahead of us. Sam and Ben started talking about the next soccer tournament at school, and Jess and I excused ourselves to go to the bathroom.

"You okay?" She asked, as I re-applied my lipstick. "Uh huh" I replied. She shrugged "it feels like you're a bit stiff tonight... That's all.." I let out a sigh, "I'm fine Jess, everything's great. Seriously." She nodded slowly "Okay, if you say so.." We went back to our table, and saw Ben and Sam putting on their jackets. "Bill's paid." They said, chuckling. "Oh, thank you." Jess and said, smiling. We grabbed our coats, and Sam put his arm around my waist again. As we started walking away, I heard loud thumping and turned around. It was Liam. Running at us.

Jessica's Point of View

I watched as Liam ripped Meghan out of Sam's arms, and gripped her hips tightly as he kissed her. They were in a full on lip lock, as Sam, Ben and I stood there with our mouths hanging open.

"What the he|| do you think you're doing?!" Liam spat at Sam, as he sheltered Meghan in his arms. Sam quickly backed up, "Dude, she asked me out!" Liam looked at Meghan, and shook his head. They started walking away, Meghan's head hanging low. Liam turned around, and looked back at us, "F*ck you all."

Sorry for the course language.. They're teens, what can I say ;)

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