FIVE - My Life is a Lie!

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I can't sleep, I have so many questions, but so little answers. Who was that boy from earlier? What was he? How did he know so much about the village and its secrets? Why does the village even have secrets? It's all too much. I need answers.

I sit up in my bed and just breathe. I move my eyes around the dark room.

"Maybe one day you'll break free from the prison you call a government."

Those words repeat over and over in my head. Is he right? Is this really a prison?

I get up out of bed and slip on my boots. I don't bother to get changed out of my pajamas and walk out of my room. I walk down the hallway at a slow pace. I don't know where I'm going, but I keep walking.

I reach the end of the hall and walk down the stairs to the main entrance of the dorms. The dorms were split in half, boy's side and girl's side, they were connected by a small court yard. It's been like this for as long as I could remember.

Once you become the age of ten leave your family and join the academy to start lessons. There is six years of lessons. Once you turn sixteen you are assigned to one of many jobs: Farmer/Agriculture, Hunter, Shopkeeper/Trader, Blacksmith, Miner, Monster Slayer/Knight, Dungeon Explorer, or Government. Each job has specific duties.

Farmer/Agriculture breeds cattle and grow crops for food and other resources. Hunters help with the food supply by going out and, well, hunting. Shopkeepers/Traders distribute the resources gathered to residents within the village and outside the village.

Miners go into caves to mine materials used for tools and gear. Blacksmiths use the materials mined to craft the tools and gear. Monster Slayers/Knights and Dungeon explores use the tools and gear to fight off the hostile mobs or any opposing forces.

Last but not least, the Government makes sure everything is how they want. They make the laws and enforce them. Nobody objects to them, they just blindly follow. Except me. I don't follow. I refuse to be heir toy that they can just throw around.

I walk out to the center of the village and look up to the stars. "How can people live like this?" I ask to no one in particular, "how can they let themselves be broken down like this? It makes no sense."

"You've finally come to your senses huh?"

I snap out of my thoughts and look around. "Where are you?" I say to the very familiar voice. I hear the poof behind me and whip around to face the strange boy. "Who are you and why are you here?" I snap.

He says nothing and hands me a back pack.

Confused, I hesitate but take the bag from him "What?" I ask. I look at him. He nods for me to open it. I look back at the bag. I set it down on the ground and crouch down next to it. I slowly open it and look inside.

There were a few small things within the bag. But one thing caught my eye. The gear. I have never seen gear like this before. The armor is a dark blue with small bits of green and purple, and the sword has blue, yellow and white on the blade.

I look up at the boy. "What is all of this?"

"The armor and sword are part of the ultimate set." The boy says, "The armor is so strong it's nearly impossible to take damage with it on. The sword is stronger than diamond and iron combined, and if you accidently hit your teammates with it they won't take damage."

"Ohh." I look at the sword amazed, "what's it made out of?"

"Titanium, Uranium and Iron" the boy says.

"Titanium and Uranium?" I say, "I've never heard of those."

"Oh boy..." he sighs slightly disanointed, "at this rate you'll never get Big Bertha"

"It's not my fault!" I say.

"Right, it's the government's," he says. He looks down at me, "who's your leader?"

"Why?" I ask suspicious.

He hesitates a bit. "Just curious."

"Mm hmm"

He sighs. "Never mind that doesn't matter." He says. He looks around the village. San eerie silence fills the air. I get the strange feeling that someone is watching.

"You're not safe here" I finally break the silence. "The residents don't take kindly to magic users." I pause for a moment. "What are you anyway?"

"I'm what's known as a Farlander." The boy says, "We've evolved from what you humans know of as Endermen."

"Why haven't I seen any other Farlanders 'til now?" I ask.

"Because we're outlaws," he snaps, "Monsters according to you humans."

"I don't think you're a monster." I say.

"You're not like the others." He says, "You actually have a sense of reality. You haven't been brainwashed like the rest of your pathetic civilization."

I am slightly offended by his words but I keep quiet.

He sighs. "Sorry, I'm just a bit flustered is all."

"I understand." I say. I notice the sun as it peeks over the horizon. "You should go."

The boy nods and teleports to the entrance of the village. I quickly turn around. "Wait!" I call. He looks back at me. "What's your name?" I ask, "Mine's Misty."

He smiles, "Nice to meet you Misty." He says, "And just call me Elli."

"Okay, Elli" I smile. "Oh and by the way you owe me a Mantis claw!"

Elli rolls his eyes, "Yeah right you had no chance with that thing."

"Oh haha! Very funny!" I say

"Bye!" He calls as he waves and walks away.

"See ya!" I call back.

This is the beginning of a great friendship.


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