Witness or Killer; I Am Dying

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They are coming.

For your knowledge, your thoughts,

what makes you work.

They need your secrets.

To find the answers no one has.

They are not going to stop.

Keeping you alive is essential at this point.

They found you.

You cannot run, cannot hide.

They know where you are

at the moment of every day.

A deafening noise has arose within,

you trying to prepare yourself.

Too late, They caught you.

They win.

Bash to the knees, you buckle.

Cuffs cut off circulation to your wrists.

They bind you with rope and tape.

"Where is he?"

You give no response and They pull your hair

up to the red twilit sky.

"Where. IS. He?"

They make you cry out in pain

as They jerk your head side to side.

"DEAD!" you scream out

in anguish, despair... defeat.

Gunshot echoes throughout

the now dark street.

I Am Dying

(The story of a suicidal girl.)

Two twin houses,

facing each other in the countryside.

Two paths,

leading away from each other.

Two stories, alike and different.

There are two ways to look at the world.

One gives you immediate happiness,

and the other sorrow and despair.

But there's a catch to each story.

Upon gaining immediate happiness,

it leaves you in pain and suffering.

Upon gaining sorrow and despair,

it leaves you with joy and rejoicing.

I chose the path of immediate happiness.

I knew what was at the end,

and I still chose it.

I have been wanting to die

since the accident claimed my family.

With no one willing to take care of me,

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