Times Change; What If...?

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What If...?

What if... this is all a dream?

What if none of my friends are real?

What if my subconscious creates everything,

to keep me from being alone?

I could be an alien,

dreaming about life in my own head.

Therefore, making reality into nothing.

If so, then I'd be making up

that my friends actually care;

that they stick by me just through my wishes.

What if I'm stuck in a coma,

or have Alzheimer's,

and am slowly forgetting

everything... and everyone...

I love?

And this is my way of coping?

Music could be completely terrible,

and frowned upon in society,

but I'm the only one thinking

it's beautiful.

The same goes with nature,

and art...

If only someone could realize

that this is a possibility,

then I wouldn't be so alone...

What if...

Times Change

Times change.

If you remain too long

during a specific era,

you'll miss out on the present.

And the possible future.

If time stops,

all of the creativity will still be preserved.

It won't go away.

The artist will stop mid-draw,

and the piece will forever be unfinished.

The dancer will hold one more pose

for all of eternity.

The writer will never finish

his new best-seller.

But my point still stands:

Times change.

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