Revenge; They Stare

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I can turn the best of minds

into a rampage of sorrow.

By twisting one's thoughts,

I can make anyone do something reckless and crazy.

By creating a big deal out of something ordinary and trivial,

like one little insult,

I can change one's way of thinking.

I can corrupt them so much,

that they could kill.

I can turn someone into a monster.

I just love the look of terror dispatched on someone's face,

once they realize their best friend is going to execute them.

It's utter, glorious despair.

I can, and will,

destroy you too.

It won't be hard,

seeing as I've completed this exercise millions of times by now.

I will shatter your most prescious dreams,

and I'll deprive you of all humane thoughts.

Once I succeed in having you murder,

you, will become mine,

to control.

Your life will be ripped apart by my actions,

and I will revel in your misery.

If you haven't figured out yet who I am,

I'll just give you one more little hint.

I go by the name of...


They Stare

They stare, everywhere.

Even in the bathroom,

When I look in the mirror.

Even in my bedroom

When the door is closed,

And when I am supposed to be

All alone.

They stare.

They judge me with harsh glances.

The way I walk.

The way I'm dressed.

The way I talk.

And the way I'm blessed.

They judge my friends.

Our choices.

Our words.

And our voices.

Their unforgiving gazes always follow.

They judge.

They tell me I'm paranoid.

But only I know.

I know they stare,

And they judge.

They look without a care,

Letting me see their faces.

Of horror at being caught.

Of disgust at being seen.

Of being seen by me.

And take off,

Wasting no time for procrastination,

without so much as an explanation.

I know everyone secretly hates me.

I can't take it!

Stop staring,

Have at least that courtesy!

Stop staring,

Who are you to judge!

It makes me uncomfortable,

Always being watched.

I hate it,

Everyone have tact!

Stop it!

I've done nothing to deserve this.

We can't judge and stare at each other

Because we all have battles.

We all are dying, slowly.

Let us live our lives the way

WE want.

Not by what you believe is best.

You don't control my life.


They stare,

And they judge.


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