Four - New Friends

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Jenna Waters

It's the first day of school. I feel nervous, I don't know if I'll make friends. Lia was home schooled so she can't be with me. But I just reminded myself to think positive.

I got my schedule. First Period: English, Classroom 9-C. I asked a few people where that classroom was and eventually, I found it.

We were in the middle of a discussion about Subject-Verb Agreement when I noticed Dylan Carter staring at our classroom's window. I wanted to let Mr. Evans, our English teacher, know that Dylan was outside peeking at our classroom! But I didn't want to rat him out. He is my neighbor after all.

Soon, he left. I started wondering why he was staring when someone talked to me. "Hey there. I'm Rachel Palter. I just wanted to ask if you understand the topic." She said. I looked back at her and started explaining the topic when Mr. Evans caught us talking. "Ms. Palter and Ms. Waters. Would you please tell me what you're both talking about in the middle of my discussion?" He looked cross. In fact, he IS cross. "Uhm. Mr. Evans, I was explaining to Rachel what the topic is." I told him. He stared for a long time then said "Very well then Ms. Waters, please come with me up front and explain what Subject-Verb Agreement is."

I spent the rest of the class explaining and sulking.

At lunch, Rachel approached me with three other girls. "Hey. Thanks for what you did back there." I felt nice. I'm about to have friends! "Uhm. Sure thing. I'm Jenna. Jenna Waters." I said. Rachel smiled. "Well it's nice to meet you Jenna. These are my friends. Miranda, Taylor, and Vanessa." She said pointing to each of the girls behind her. They invited me to their table and we talked. They were pretty cool.

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