Chapter 7 - Ron

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Chapter 7 - Ron

“I’m gonna need another drink if I’m going to tell you about Ron,” Dylan said.  Just like Ron had always done, Chuck was up at the bar getting him another drink.  ‘Just like Ron,’ Dylan thought.  ‘Am I making a horrible mistake?’

Dylan remembered Ron so acutely; he could see his face in his mind’s eye.  It was like it happened just a few weeks ago instead of almost two years ago.  He wondered if he could get through this right now, but it just couldn’t wait.  It had to be said, now rather than later.

Chuck returned from the bar and handed Dylan his drink.  The guard looked pensively, concerned at Dylan’s troubled face.  Dylan shook his head and gave the other man a brave smile.

“Let me tell you about Ron.  The first time I heard his name…” and Dylan began his tale.


“You won’t believe what a goddamn shit-kicker this guy is Dylan,” Isaac said the night before Sarah’s party.  “He actually has a farmer’s tan and wears Brut aftershave.  I mean really, Brut.”

I was only half listening to Isaac ramble on about his latest sexual conquest.  Isaac was hilarious though.  He was always full of himself, but also good at talking about his exploits.  It was fun listening to him.  I hadn’t had a boyfriend since college or even dated much.  I was trying to get my bearings in the larger gay world and Isaac was a fount of information.  I had gone on a few dates with a handful of guys, but never anything serious, not in a while.  Isaac told me to just roll with it.  Gay men weren’t like straight people.  Gay people didn’t have those kinds of hang ups. 

Having just graduated from college and now outside of the sheltered world of academia, I continued working at Sweet Nora’s.  It was pretty good money and it gave me a chance to look for a full time job as a researcher, hopefully for a think tank or school.  In the meantime, it was a paying gig and my old buddy, Isaac, was giving me new insights on a scene I didn’t really comprehend. 

“This dude, Ronnie, isn’t too bright.  But, he’s got a body that won’t quit.  I met him at the gym and it was lust at first sight, let me tell you.  We went to the juice bar and from there to my apartment.  Gawd, he was so good.”  Isaac was just getting started.  The sex sounded almost impossible.  They had done it all over the apartment, from the way Isaac told it.  I had never done anything outside a bed and on one occasion the shower.  Isaac had described all kinds of odd things like “getting pile-driven in the kitchen.” I thought that sounded unsanitary.

“I’m bringing him to Sarah’s party.  I thought I could get him good and liquored up and we could have a threesome,” Isaac said looking at me expectantly.  I just smiled.  I didn’t think I wanted to have sex with Isaac.  It would, well complicate things, and I needed my job at Nora’s.  I signed a year lease and having a threeway with my boss’ nephew set off alarms in my head.

I decided to go to the party by myself the next night.  I figured if it got too crazy I could just leave without worrying about other people.  I had a drink and chatted with the hunky, all too straight, bartender Kenny drooling over him for a bit.  I helped Sarah in the kitchen with some food but mostly people were just getting drunk and being silly.  Lots of photos were taken of people acting like asses and lots of kissing and grabbing.  I was about ready to leave when Isaac showed up fashionably late.

“Dylan, you’re not leaving already are you?” Isaac asked giving me a kiss on the cheek I offered him  I wasn’t going to give him any wrong ideas about US.

“I thought I’d make an early night of it. I gotta open tomorrow.”

“The restaurant doesn’t open until 11 am you lightweight.  It’s not even 10:30 at night.  Here, let me introduce you to that guy I was telling you about.”  Isaac looked behind him and grabbed someone’s arm forcefully.  “Ronnie, this is my good friend Dylan.  He likes rough boys like you,” Isaac pushed someone, a strawberry blonde guy into me.  I had to put out my hands to keep Ronnie from falling all over me.

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