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By the time I got back to the ballroom it was in an uproar of demands to know what's going on , and what we plan to do.
"Everyone quiet "I yelled strolling to the middle of the room . "You know everything we do we will wait for this Proditor women to make further demands . Now go home and bar the door there will be guards on patrol incase of attack." With that they began to disperse. The room empty now except for the elders ,myself ,a couple guards , and Suscepit . The elders where busy arguing, so I walked over to Sus .
"That women looks exactly how Ingneium described your father's killer." She said worried .
"There is nothing to do right now ,except listen to the elders argue or get some rest." I replied reassuringly.
"I don't feel safe sleeping alone . Not that I think I could sleep" she said shivering.
"You're always welcome in my chambers .not that's being unwelcome has ever stopped you " I teasted."maybe you'd be up for a round of sparring , see if you're still light enough on your feet to dodge me."
Having taken the exact same classes as Igneium and myself all her life Sus was an amazing fighter . Slightly below average for a dragon of the royal family ,but matched for any ordinary dragon and what humans would call a goddess of war if she where to display her skill to them. We sparred until light flooded through the window and we both fell panting onto the floor next to each other. It was by no means the first time we had done this . ever since we where little us three had been close and had a passion for besting the other two,but now that Igneium is gone it's just us.
"Coretmentem wake up your aunts are here , and want to see you!" Nuntiare yelled entering the room " what is she doing in your room , And the both of you on the floor" throwing Suscepit I look of obvious discust.
Most dragons though of humans as mud wallowing vermin, Nuntiare being no exception.
"Aunt Pugna , aunt Altum you should visit more often !" I said walking up to the married couple "did you hear of last night's suprise entertainment ?"
"You've grown ,I thought I told you to stop when I had to reach up to hug you!" Laughed aunt Pugna holding out her arms .
"And little Sus you listen to your aunts now no growing"added aunt Altum. The eccentric couple wore baggy tunics under patchwork cloaks.
"Where is Igneium I brought that paint she asked for last time" asked Punga.
"She is off traveling "Sus said. grabbing their bags we went to the guest room they always stayed in.

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