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"I don't like this , it's taking to long" muttered Dux for the millionth time. Coretmentem and Suscepit had gone to try to negotiate peace , and the wait was killing the blacksmith.
The guards had been useless except that we now had two uniforms ,which where currently being worn by a pair of twins .
"Try to stay as close to them as you can if this goes south they'll need the help" one of the elders (I didn't care to figure out which ) was saying.
The first wisp of morning was coming and there was still no word .
"Alright I've had enough waiting" jumping into the air in a,splash of molten metal Dux lead the charge.
The Queen was obviously playing with us ,and did not plan to discuss peace . Instead she was acting as if it where a get together of friends . Here I was talking peace to the woman that killed my father and is currently burning down a city assumable just to get my attention.coming to the realization that this had been a trap must have showed on my face because the queen laughed with glee."you realize now your mistake ,to late to save evreyone"
"Tell me is your trap for us or our people?" Suscepit asked fury in her voice.
"Do not speak as if you are of any consoquance girl "turning to look at me she said "keep your little pet quiet " . Somehow seeming to be able to read my emotions ,and the look on my face she must have seen among the fury and hatred . How I felt about Sus even if I couldn't admit it to myself at the time . "Oh I see she is not a pet to you , but then what is she a lover? Your true love? Perhaps she is only a trinket for your amusement? "The queen smirked overly satisfied at finding a chink in my mental armour."oh you poor dear that human will age and die before you look any older than you do now she said the word "human"like a distasteful curse . Two guards walked in seemingly back from parimiter duty, adding to the amount of outnumbered-ness. Suddenly there was the sound of wings and hissing flame as large numbers of dragons sprayed the flames with water . The guards all drew there swords preparing for a fight. Smiling the queen stood and in a bright flash of gold grew golden scales as the room exploded from her increasing size , and flew off . The rest of the guards all wearing gold healms like the queen attacked us at once . Defective one stab with the table and grabbing for the leant of fabric that when pulled became a sword fending off two more attackers. Sus having already turned her armour to Bellator was holding another back with a chair. Out of nowhere two of the Proditor guards turned on their own ,and in a frenzy of blades took down three twin red puffs revealing crimson armour . Swinging around in time to catch a chair to the face I shot a ball of iredesent blue fire at one after another each one falling the target. Standing in the burning ruble of the city I couldn't help but wonder if this was somewhat how Sus felt almost seventeen years ago when
Perniciem crumbled to ash. After most of the fire had been put out Sus and I regrouped with Dux . "We found Igneium and Presidio's bodies along with ten Proditor soldiers . It looks like Igneium was killed by a soldier and Presidio killed himself maybe due to having his love lost and from the pain of a sliced off wing . "Dux said looking like he was about to cry . He had always liked Sus and Presidio was his brother . The world swam before my eyes I couldn't belive that in a matter of a season mother had died from sickness father from being stabbed only for Igneium to be taken from me by the same woman. Cathing Sus in my arms as she began to cry I wanted to wallow I'm pity for her and myself ,but even more I wanted revenge. I don't know how long we stood there tears flowing down our faces . Standing only because we where supporting each other ,until we weren't. Slipping to our knees i realized Sus had fallen into Meditatio while still crying. Feeling exhausted I decided my brain working sluggishly around the loss to sleep . Changing to Vernum and placing a wing over Sus cradling her body against my softer underside and laying my head next to hers under my wing and my tail following the curve of the outside ,the tailfin coming to rest between my wings .I followed her example minus the tears .

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