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The ceremony was a formality as my father had bestowed upon me the Dragon Bone sword. After the ceremony I returned to my chambers, lit the hearth, and removed the ceremonial armor- which I'm sure I'll never donn again. Crawling into the bed and relaxing I fell into meditatio. I heard the all too familiar, 'Bang! Bang! Bang!' Of my door, then a,
"Your Majesty the council requires your presence." Getting out of bed I got dressed and took off towards the great hall.
"He is a little more than a hatchling, I don't see how he is fit to rule!" Bending the shadows around me I listened to what they had to say about their king.
"I say we have him assassinated and take control of Regnum for ourselves!" Incredulous said, eyes full of lust for the power, MY power.
"We could possibly manipulate him like a puppet." Perverse declared. Fidus spoke for the first time,
"You shall do well to remember he is king Antequam's heir and just as strong willed." With that I released my hold on the shadows and strolled up to the table. 

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