Old Time.

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Roree's POV

I'm stumped. I don't know what to do from here. I've pushed the only people who could help me just because of a stupid letter.

I have no one now.

Not Tessa.

Not my parents. Even though they say they're there for me, they don't understand even after I've tried talking to them.

And Kaira's long gone and I finally have to face the music.

'Fate has dealt us a hard hand to carry, why must she do this? She took Kaira away, and because of something else she allowed me to push away the people I care about most that are still alive and well. How come I'm being punished Fate?'

"You're not being punished Roree. You're being helped. Come back with me!"

"WHAT!?!?! WHO'S THERE?" I don't stutter but the nervousness is in my voice.

I've messed up. One of our other places is near a cliff. I would always sit on a fallen tree truck a little bit away from the cliff while Tessa never even went up here and Kaira was sitting on the edge feet dangling off the side. She didn't care she was fearless.

'I need her now more than ever.'

"Yeah me too." I turn around and come face to face with Tessa. I was scared shit less but I wasn't going to show her or even mention that.

"We need to go. Like now, pack something." She turns around and walks out of the room without another word.

Because I know that if she doesn't get her way she'll throw some clothes in a bag and some how with that tiny body of hers she'll drag me away hitting every wall she can manage to hit on the way down the stairs. And out the door, and I'll hit the car too.

I grab the small gym bag I keep in my closet for adventures like this, even though this didn't seem like the kind of adventure that I'm used to going on. I grab a few pairs of lean clothes that I've managed to find in this mess I just so happens to call a bed room.

I was just about to walk out of my room when Tessa opens the door with a slam. Just so happens instead of the door hitting the wall it managed to hit my face. The force of her opening that door was enough to knock me off my feet.

"Oh damn, what took you so long to pack such a small bag?" She asks me while bending down to look at my face, which I'm sure isn't broken.

"You were gone 2 minutes. At most, maybe even less than that, so don't get so touchy that it took me long to pack a bag." I wasn't angry so I don't know why I snapped at her, it just came out that way.

She just sat there stunned at my sudden out bust. She hasn't really heard me speak but a few words here and there all week. Or since Kaira passed for that matter.

"Well lest go, there isn't much time for nonsense." Huh?

"Where are we going?" "You'll just have to wait and see."

There was a little skip in her step, somethings made her look up rather than the fate at our hands. But maybe that was a good thing. I just follower her out to the car. Normally I would drive but she knows where we're going so she can have the wheel.

This time.

There was one time we went to this place two towns over. It was supposed to be a really good pizza place. Well she was driving and she's a speed demon. She also doesn't abide by traffic laws very much, which is why I like to drive, even after I got in the car crash.

I mean hey it wasn't my fault that we got hit. She scared the life out of Kaira and myself, we agreed never to let her drive again if we were in the car, and the pizza sucked.

I wasn't really paying attention to where we were going and Tessa has gotten better with her driving skills. So when we entered a Plaza, like one of those strip malls with the stores lined up in one big building.

Anyways, "Tessa what are we doing here?" I had to ask her.

She looked over to me with a sly smile planted on her face. She turned towards the building in front of us. I turned with her, than I saw it. It was that crappy pizza place that we had gone to. It didn't have good pizza, the waiting staff sucked, they almost never came to the tables. Or at least our table, and I swear the bathrooms smelt like someone had taken a huge shit and no one wanted to clean up after them.

Warning do not go into the bathroom while we were here. I made the mental note to myself. Just in case. I added just as silent as the last part.

I grabbed the door handle just as it was about to close after Tess. She was always faster than the rest of us. We didn't understand it either.

I knew what she was doing.

She was reminiscing on old times.

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