Chapter 3

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I might not have fans... yet, but I felt like writing. How's the story? Picture of the side is Joey.


Joey's P.O.V

I sped out of his driveway staring at him through the rearview mirror. I wasn't paying attention and almost hit a cat. I can't believe he was raped. But of all people Alex! I don't even know him, let alone his name yet I helped him. I did my good deed for the day.

I wonder why I don't see him around school. I know almost everyone by name. I'm one the most popular guys at school.

I finally pull into my own yard and turn off the truck. I sit in the seat dazed at tonight's events. I can't believe Alex raped a... boy. Well anyone for that matter. Wiith those thoughts still in my head, I walk up the steps to my house and unlock the door. "Hi honey. How was your night?" I walk past my mother and mutter, "Fine."

I pull off my shoes and socks. Next come my pants, jacket, and shirt. I lay under my covers still thinking about the look on the poor boy's face. There was so much sadness in his eyes, I can't stand to think about it anymore. I know we don't know each other, but thinking about what happened made me angry. Anger because I wanted to resolve his problems. I have to talk to him somehow, someway. And Monday at school, Alex was getting the beating of his life.


Adrian's P.O.V

The next morning after I wake up, my head is throbbing. I lay back down and close my eyes against the shining sun. I turn around and pick up my phone. I lay back down and my mom barges in my room. "Get up!" She slips the covers from under me and I fall on the floor with a loud 'THUD' as I hit my head. "Owwww! Dang it mom!" She laughs and says, "Some boy is here to see you."

Immediately, Alex comes to mind. I fight back tears and walk down the stairs. The peron's hair is darker than Alex's and they're slightly shorter. As I walk my last few steps, my foot hits the last step with a loud THUD! He turns around and I see Joey standing in my foyer. "Umm... Hi." I wave back to him. "Ok mom thanks for telling me." I lead him up to my room forgetting my throbbing head.

"So is everything ok with you?" I rub my temples and reply with a simple 'yes'. "Good what's your name?" I smile as I remember how we met. "Adrian." He nods his head and looks awkwardly around my room. This is going nowhere. "Is there anything in particular you want to talk about?"

"Actually, yes. Umm about Alex, I'm going to take care of him... personally."

"What are you going to do to him?" He smiles and says, "Adrian, don't worry." I stare at him in confusion. "Oh, and give me your number." I grab his phone and put my number in. He calls and ends the call. "Call me if anything ever happens to you. I'll be there to save you." I look down and fantasize about us.

As I sit there during the silence, I compare Alex and Joey. I shouldn't have let myself fall for him. He was older, had a girlfriend. Even after all that I still wanted him. Joey gets up and says. "Bye." I wave and lay back down on my warm soft big bed. If only I had someone to fill that empty void in my heart and my bed. I drift off into a sleep thinking about Joey.


Hours later, I wake up again. Sleep is probably written all over my face. I lay in the bed tempted to call him, but what if he's busy? He said call him if I needed him. I NEED HIM! I pick up my phone and scroll down to his name. I stare at it and wonder what I should do. I press call and on the first ring he answers.

"Hello?" I'm frozen in place and can't speak. "I-I... umm... hey." He laughs for a second. When he's done he asks, "Is everything ok?" I nod and remember that I'm on the phone. I slap my forehead and reply,"Yea, sorry about that. I just needed someone to talk to. Can you come over?"

"Sure. I'll be there in five." He hangs up and I lay back down smiling. The doorbell goes off and I jump up to get it. While walking down the steps, I glance to my left into the mirror. I retrace my step, and stare at the grotesque creature staring back at me in the mirror. I run to the bathroom to clean my face. I open the door with a big grin. "Hey."

"What's up." I lead him to my room again. When I open the door, I walk in and trip over my shoe. Of all times for this to happen, now? I trip but don't fall. I feel his arm is wrapped around my waist holding me up. He blushes as he unwraps it. "I'm really not that messed up about what happened last night." His eyes pop out of his head. "Really?!"

"It might be hard to believe, but yea I'm kind of over it. Knowing you're there to protect me whenever, makes me fell safe." My mouth hangs open at the last part. What did I just say?! "Hahaha. I didn't mean it like that." He shakes his head. "No, I know what you mean. It's understandable."

"Yea... understandable." Right now I can't take it anymore! I want him to love me in more ways than one. Maybe I'm not supposed to have someone to love. Maybe my life was meant for me to be alone.

"Lets go get ice cream." I suggest and take a quick shower. I get dressed and we head to the ice cream parlor. When we pull up, I notice Alex's Hummer parked near the ice cream parlor. When we get inside my eyes scan the room. After a few seconds of scanning, my eyes lock with Alex's. I hear Joey growl and I try to hold him back. He walks over to where Alex is sitting dragging me with him. As Joey's fist connects with Alex's face, a loud crack is heard and everyone's attention turns to us.

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