Chapter 9

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Adrian's P.O.V

I walk down the hall to where my mother stands angrily on the phone. A sly smile shows proudly on my face. "Ask Troy." After I say that, I walk back to my room. "Get him." I turn around horrified to see my dad calmly walking towards me. He grips my arms tightly and drags me to my room.

"Pack your bags... you're leaving."

"What?!" He throws my suitcases on my bed and neatly folds my cloths fitting them into the first suitcase. He gets a second one and fills it with my shoes. "Wait, be careful with those." I smack my forehead and wonder why would I tell him that. He gets my bags and takes them downstairs to the front door. I follow him and watch as he rolls them out on the front porch. "Get out!"

"What, why? What did I do?" Tears roll down my eyes as my dad drags me outside. I sob silently at first, but when they slam the door on me, I wail like a baby. My mother comes creeping out of the door and walks to the end of the first step. "We know about you and that Joey character. We don't want you here as long as you're with him." I ignore her and call Kaila to ask her if I can stay at her house.

Before I can hang up, I see her running down the street towards me. As soon as we walk into her room she asks, "What happened?" Crying, I tell her the whole story. With each word I say, she scoots closer and closer to the edge of her bed in anticipation. "I don't know what I'm going to do. Why would they do this to me. I'm their one and only." As I cry into my arms, she comes over to me and pulls me into her arms.

She whispers, "Don't worry about anything. You can stay here for a while. I'll talk my parents into it; they can't resist the power of a beggar!" She finishes off by raising her first in the air as a sign of victory. I laugh at this and forget about my parents. "Wow, Kaila. I'm so glad to have a friend like you. You are the sister I never had."

"Aww, thank you." She pulls me into a hug and accidentally kicks my injured ankle. "Oww!" she pulls back and props my leg up on her desk. "So... when are you going to tell Joey?" I can't believe I forgot all about him. "Well, I don't know when I will... I guess I have to. I just don't want him to worry."


Joey's P.O.V

I mentally groan when I see the gossip queen walk towards me. "What is it now, Diana?" She rolls her eyes but talks anyway. "Did you hear about Troy, Ashely, Brittany, and Alex?" My ears shoot up and my eyes buldge out of their sockets. A sly smile creeps onto my face with every word Diana says. "Troy broke up with Ashely because he slept with Brittany. Now Alex is on a rampage just to find him."

"Are you serious? When did this happen?" She pulls me in closer and says, "They slept together and he just found out late last night when Brittany called him." I wonder if Adrian knows about all of this. "Where's Ashely?"

"She's not here today. I'm going to go over to house after school to talk to her. You can come if you want." I accept the invitation and walk to my last class of the day and sit in the back. I'm using this class to catch up on some sleep.


After the last class, I wait for Diana at her locker. When she gets here, we go to Ashley's. The car drive is filled with her gossiping about everyone and everything. I tune her out and gladly walk to Ashley's front door. "Diana," Mrs. Banks looks to me, "Joey, I'm glad you're here. Ashely's in her room waiting." We nod and walk upstairs.

"Ashely..."I stop when I see Adrian sitting next to Ashely on her bed. "... are you ok?" I sit next to Adrian and give him a hug not caring who's watching. I hear Diana gasp, but I brush her off. "Adrian, I thought you were with... Alex!" She finishes off with a sob, as he pats and rubs her back trying to calm her down. "What?!" I look at Diana and shoot her a glare. Ashely stops crying and gathers herself. "He saw the whole thing," Ashely cries some more, "Adrian also said he defended me." She smiles at the last part and so do I.

"What happened to your leg?!" He pats a spot next to him motioning for me to sit. I sit down and he begins the story. "I was running in gym, I tripped, and twisted my ankle." I kiss his ankle and go back to sitting upright. Without looking at her I say, "Diana you can close your mouth now."

Diana's mouth slams shuts and she stumbles over her words trying to talk. "Since when were you going out with... a boy?" I laugh at her and pat her head. "Since two Sundays ago." She mouths 'oh' and sits in Ashely's computer chair facing us. There's an awkward silence until Adrian speaks up.

"I'll get back at Troy for you and me." My head shoots to the side sending Adrian a questioning look. He says, "I'll tell you later." It's like he can read my mind.

Adrian P.O.V

I had gotten to Ashely's house hours earlier to try and make her feel comfortable before I told her about Troy. She was already unhappy when I got here. After I told her everything, she was even more hysterical. I felt bad she had to have all of this happen to her; with time and a little revenge, she'll get over it.

Now the hardest part of my day has come for me to tell Joey about Troy. "Bye Ashely, we'll see you later." Diana was staying with Ashely so Joey and I had the whole truck to ourselves. "So what happened with Troy?" I sigh and say, "To sum it all up, my parents kicked me out." He stops the truck so fast, that the tires screech against the road. He turns to me and yells, "What?!"

"Calm down, I have a place to stay... for now. I'm staying at Kaila's house." His face doesn't soften like how I want, and he has still has that killer look on his face. "Breath in... breath out..." He whispers to himself to calm down. "So when time's up, what're you going to do? You're only 13 so you can't get a job. Did you talk to any family members?"

"No I haven't. I might just have nowhere to go." I start to panic and think of everything that could happen to me. "I could have to live on the streets! What am I gonna do?!" He shushes me and brushes the back of his hand against my cheek wiping my tears away . "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." I stop crying and nod my head with no choice but to except his 'offer'. "You'll have to find an adult to live with you. Do you have any family members that'll live with you?"

"Yea, I have this one cousin that might be ok with accepting your offer. Her name is Andrea. I'll call her soon to see if she'll go through with it." He nods and resumes the drive to Kaila's house. When we pull up into her yard he says, "Be careful and don't forget to call Andrea. I love you... now come here." I willingly walk back to him knowing what he wants. I give him a long, wet, passionate kiss on the lips. Our tongues wrestle, moans erupt from our mouths, and he tries to pull me through the window making me drop my crutches.

This stops us from kissing. Flustered, I say, "I love you, too." He doesn't show any sign of being breathless. I pick up my crutches and knock on the front door waiting for someone to open up. "Wow, you two know how to kiss." I playfully hit Kaila's arm laughing, and walk down the hall to my room. I carefully take off my pants and put my bed clothes on. I get under the pillows and rest for school.

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