Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:


We packed our bags, and Queen Ara led us into her room, where she opened a small door, cleverly disgised behind some blue wallpaper. "This passage is about a mile long, so it'll take us a while to get outside the catsle walls."

"But Queen Ara, what about our horses?" I asked.

Rose smiled. " That's what she alerted the guard about. He's going to lead the horses to the outside entrance of the tunnel."

Fezec grew worried. "But what about Andromedea? I have to ride a horse, too, you know!"

Ara smiled again. "Don't worry; Rose and I have a little, how should I put it, suprise for you..."

Fezec looked suspiciously at Queen ara, then at Rose, who smiled. Then Fezec understood.

"So, into the passage we go!" Zimrith took the lead, and the rest of us followed.


We walk down the tunnel and finally emerge in a valley. The tunnel entrance was covered with bushes that we had to push past. Finally, we reached the guards with Iris, her foal, Hawthorn, and Andromedea!

"Where'd you find her!" Fezec gasped to Rose hugging his horse's neck.

"I was finally able to pinpoint her magic and then call her here! She's a smart dear." Rose said patting the horse's flanks.

Fezec paused, giving Rose a warm look, causing the pink haired soceress to blush and turn away. Was something going on I wasn't aware of?


I didn't want to interrupt Fezec's joy, but I had to speak up. "You know Fezec, the assassin could be in those bushes at this very moment, so we might as well hurry up!"

He nodded, and got on his horse, sitting tall, like someone who had spent his whole lifetime in the saddle. Rose and I exchanged a look of surprise, and we rode off at a gallop, looking back at the castle, and wondering what would happen to it after we left.


We stopped for camp and made a fire. We felt exposed and out in the open. We were in the plains known as Gavor. Myths of Trolls had been planted here but I didn't think it was true. Or so I hoped.

"So, guys, what now?" Zimrith asked us around the campfire.

I sighed, and looked at Rose for help. Seeing none, I said, "I don't know. We'd need the entire army of Fervhan to defeat, "I looked around, then leaned foreward and lowered my voice. "You-Know-Who plural."

Zimrith nodded his head in agreement. "If we're lucky."

Wishing to change the subject, Rose said, "Um, Fezec, your chicken leg is on fire."

He looked down at his dinner, blushed with embarrasment, and started to blow the fire out.

Rose bit her lip. "We need to seek aid some place else I'm guessing." she said rubbing her arms. "Maybe we could raise a rebellion?"

"No, word would spread, and eventually it would reach the dark king. Or whoever claims to be the dark king." Night was falling, and it was growing cold. I shivered against the wind.

"What about the Fire Dwarves?" Zimrith suggested. "They probably would risk anything for their independance...Well, rumor has it they will..."

Fezec shook his head. "Too risky. It's just a rumor, after all."

Everyone seemed to be cold, so Rose changed the subject. "How about we hit the hay?" She asked.

I nodded, and we crawled into our napsacks and attempted to sleep, chasing off nightmares and any bad dreams that threatened our peacful rest.


I couldn't sleep. I sat up. Sleep never came easy these days and I knew it all too well. My thoughts were to preoccupied.

I stood and walked a bit from the low burning fire and leaned against a tree and looked up, looking for a break among the leaves and branches of the great oaks so I might catch a glimpse of the stars... how I missed them and... home.

My eyes swept over my sleeping friends. A sad feeling grew in my gut. We were fugitives. Wanderers. We had no home. Not anymore.

"You okay?" came a whisper close to me. I turned slightly to see Zimrith coming towards me to take a seat beside me.

I shuffled uncomfortably.

" really," I mummbled.

Zimrith sighed, pushing his black hair from his red eyes, concern filling them.

"What is it?" I wanted to know.

"Take a guess," I sighed.

"There are a lot of things you could be worried about," Zimrith said. "You really have you plate full."

"Yeah," I said distantly. "And it stinks."

Zimrith bumped my shoulder. "I know the feeling."

We sat in silence when suddenly I caught Zimrith's eye and I realized he was staring at me. I stayed silent, staring right back at him for no apparent reason. He then leaned forward quickly, and to my own surprise, kissed me lightly on the lips before drawing back.

"You should get some rest," Zimrith said before hauling himself up and casting one quick glance before he returned to his sleeping bag. Still stunned, I crawled into mine, my cheeks burning and a happy feeling growing in my stomach.

The Elvin Chronicles, Book 1: Retreat ♛Where stories live. Discover now