Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:


I was puzzled. Completely. "But what will happen to us? I mean Conton,whoever he is, said a party of elves has escaped. Does he mean us?"

Rose nodded. "I'm afraid so, but if we can stay ahead of them-"

"No!" Zimrith cut in, "We need an army, and I'm sure anyone who knows about the Dark King, or Beyur would be glad to fight to gain their freedom!"

I shook my head, knowing the exact opposite. "But if they know how powerful he is who would dare oppose him?"


I smiled.

"We did. We can be lights. Beacons to the other kingdoms. We can do this." I smiled at Delanie and Zimrith. I unfolded a map and put a finger on a dot titled Fervan.

"This is the closest kingdom. It is home to the human king Argrith. Or was. He died a few years ago, leaving his queen to rule. I'm good friends with Ara. She could help us."

Zimrith nodded.

"Great! But one problem." He traced the path we would have to take to get to Fervan. "We have to go through Azyr valley, home to the Fire Dwarves. And they are not known to be friendly."


"Yes. We'll have to avoid them. How about we take the long route to the east, over here..."

I pointed at a long, rocky trail on the edge of the map.

Rose nodded, "Yes, but the fire dwarves can climb up there easier than we can."


I shrugged.

"I guess we have no choice. Maybe if we could get a hold of some disguises?" I looked to Zimrith for support. He shook his head.

"If you haven't noticed, we are elves and we are like the complete opposites of dwarves. We are tall and built slender and graceful. And they are NOT tall, and REALLY NOT slender, and REALLY REALLY NOT graceful."

I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't mean like clothing disguises. I may be able to hold the illusion of us being dwarves for a bit."


I thought a moment, then asked, "Did you bring your spell books with you?"

Rose nodded. I'd neverleave home without them!" Then she started seaching in her backpack. "It has to be here somewhere..."

Zimrith poured over the map. "What if we takean even lnger route to Fervan, like, that wouldn't work. We'd have to go through orc territory, and I prefer dwarves to orcs!"

Suddenly we heard a twig break. And another. Yet another. "Someone's watching us," I whispered. Rose nodded, and closed her eyes. "He is a human!"


I lifted my hand slowly and rested it upon the tree and closed my eyes. I felt the trees deep roots and it's swaying branches and it's rustling leaves. I then spoke to it, asking a little favor.

The tree's branch bended and whapped something in the face for I heard a muffled OW!

Zimrith stifled a laugh and walked over to see who it was.


I looked into the shadows, and saw someone lying on his stomach, loking back at me! I stared at him, and saw a scar on his forehead...It was the soldier I had shot earlier!

Suddenly he shouted, "YOU! You cost me my horse!" Then the human started to get up, and, stretched to his full height, he was a head taller than any elf!

I whispered to rose, "Can you make the tree pick him up or something?" She shook her head.

Meanwhile, the person walked closer, and suddenly stopped in his tracks. "Elves!" He looked horrified. Not like I cared much. He kept going, his voice shaking. "P-please don't hurt me! I-I don't n-need that h-horse, a-anyway! J-just don't h-hurt me!"

Zimrith looked at me, an evil smile on his face. He was thinking the same thing as me.

I stood up and said, "Who are you? A spy?" He shook his head."I'm F-fezec. I was drafted into the D-dark King's army against my w-will. P-please."

The Elvin Chronicles, Book 1: Retreat ♛Where stories live. Discover now