Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:


My blood chilled at Conton's name. After the vision Rose had had, I was edgy enough. The way she described the evil man in such detail had creeped me out but now Conton was coming, for real. And I would have to see his evil smile. I'd have to see him face to face.


I was horrified. "Conton? Can you tell were he is?"

Zimrith was deep in thought. "What if-no, that's impossible..."

"What is?" Rose asked. "We need all the information we can get!"

So Zimrith took a deep breath and said, "What if Conton can sense that you are doing magic? Like when you defeated the chimera? Or maybe he knows that Delanie is here..."

I wanted to scream. Not like when you have a bad dream and wake up screaming, but like a loud, piercing scream that comes when something is seriously wrong.

Rose looked at Fezec, who, obviously, had almost no idea what was going on. He was scared, too, but he didn't seem to have the slightest idea who Conton was.

"Or maybe he knows where Fezec is, "Rose suggested, " because he used to be in Conton's army..."

I didn't care who Conton was tracking at the moment, all I knew was that we'd be safe in Fervhan. Well, safer. "Let's just try to get to Fervhan before he can pinpoint our location."


We mounted our horses and cantered down the hill. I tried not to look back, but I could still sense the army marching over the mountain, shivering inside of their black and red streaked armor. It weighed them down horribly, but they had over two dozen soldiers on horse back.

"They may try and pursue us!" I shouted over the wind.


As we rode down the hill, with Fezec riding double on Iris, Rose said, "We really need to find Andromedea for you."

"I agree!" He shouted over the howling gale of wind. he gripped Rose's saddle, and, even when he was hunched down, was half a head taller than her.

I couldn't wait to get to Fervhan. As much as I loved the outdoors, and the freedom it gave me, I couldn't wait to snuggle up next to a warm fire and hear the wind and rain beating against a window-not my back!


I shivered against the wind. We headed for the Fervhan Gates, galloping at full speed.

"Open the gates in the name of the Elvin Kingdom!" Delanie shouted over the wind and rain, pelting against our cloaks.

The gates opened with the scraping of metal after a few minutes of hesitation.


I opened my eyes, and saw Fervhan: A colorful city, with ivy weaving around the brightly painted houses, and evergreen trees lining the streets. But all of that was overshadowed by the palace, which gleamed in what little sunlight peaked through the clouds.

Rose asked the guards when we could speak to queen Ara, and explained to them that she was good friends with her.

We entered the city, the rain still pouring down in buckets. It was annoying at the least. Our mounts clopped along the cobblestone until we reached a stable to board the horses at.

I watched as Iris' foal snuggled up next to her dam. Rose sighed. "I need to find a name for her..." She said slowly.

Zimrith talked Riker into sleeping in a stall, and we walked down the main street to the castle.

When we reached it, a guard shouted, "Halt in the name of Queen Ara! Who goes there?"

I stepped foreward, and said in my most royal voice, "It is I, Princess Delanie of the Elvin Kingom, and my loyal companions! Fear not, for we come in peace!"

The guard glanced at our multiple weapons. He swallowed, and said, "State your business!"

"We want to see her Majesty, Queen Ara. Alone."

The guard bowed, then signaled for the outer gate to be opened.

The Elvin Chronicles, Book 1: Retreat ♛Where stories live. Discover now