Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:


Morning was less than 3 hourse away but I still didn't want to get up. I snuggled deeper into my sleeping back. The ground was hard and cold, but inside of the bag was warm. I tossed to one side and tried to stay still. My eyelids snapped open. I placed a hand on the ground. It was vibrating. As if something big and heavy was lumbering towards them....

My heart lurched inside of me.

I jumped up. "Something's coming!" I said in a loud whisper to wake the others.


Rose shook me awake."Um, Delanie, I think something's coming!"

I blinked sleepily, then snapped awake. "Trolls?"

Zimrith, Ara, and Fezec sat u, and followed Rose's signal to get out of the tent. "Try to pack whatever you can- whatever's left will be demolished."

Zimrith nodded, and started for his knapsack, but before he could pick it up, I caught sight of the trolls.

"Ssshhh! Guys, they're coming!" I whispered, and the five of us were still, except for Zimrith as he drew his twin daggers.

I followed his lead, and Rose took out her staff. We would have to fight them head-on.


"These are not trolls, they're golems." I whispered to Delanie. "Bright to like by magic. Someone is out to get us."

"Someone with magic abilities." Zimrith intervened. I nodded. "Exactly."

"So, how de we kill it?" Fezec asked eagerly.

"Well, golems are made of stone stack upon each other into the shape of a man or in this case, troll. Depending on the strength of the magic worker, it depends on how well it holds together. Maybe we could try taking out some of their minor rock body parts like their arms in their legs to experiment. If we can't, we retreat and attempt to look for the magic weaver who has to be near by."


I fired an arrow, which hit a golem straight in the arm. It fell off with a thud, then turned into individual stones.

Rose gave me a thumbs-up sign, and Zimrith ran toward the golems, slicing one of them apart.

But by now, the sorcerer behind the hideous creatures had caught on. The golems that were left charged at us, and blindly swung their assorted weapons.

They came closer. They would soon overwhelm us and-

Suddenly the five golems before turned to dust and fell to the ground. I girl on a horse came galloping towards us, slidign off the mounts back and gracefully coming to our sides.

"Queen Ara!" Fezec gasped. "You didn't-"

"I was worried. I sneaked out last night... you won't believe this dream I had. I had to leave. I knew you guys were in trouble... my advisors will take care of everything." She said hastily.

Suddenly the golems regrouped and came at us, this time with more anger and rage. And not to mention power.

Fezec ran for cover, and hid behind a bush. I motioned for Ara to do the same, but she shook her head and pulled out a long, shiny sword from her knapsack.

Zimrith looked at her in suprise, and at the same time sent a well-aimed blow to one of the golems.

More rock-creatures apeared, in the shape of trolls, dwarves, and other things.

"Guys!" Rose yelled, "They seem to be focusing in on one person-Delanie!" I gulped, and wished the chimera would have killed me instead. I had lead everyone into a trap! The sorcerer wanted me. But why? Why me? Ara was a Queen, Rose could do magic, and Zimrith knew tons of secrets about everything... I didn't know how to do anything like that. All I could do was fight battles and ride horses. So why me?


I knew what the golems focus were now. Delanie. These had to be in league with the dark army, or at least the sorcerer controlling them. The dark army knew Delanie was the only hope for the elven land breaking free and if the elves made a rebellion, it might encourage the other nations to break away.

Queen Ara's kingdom would soon be in shambles unless we stopped them and Delanie raised a rebellion of some sort.

But we needed to keep alive.

I raised my staff and fire appeared on it's crystal tip. I thrust it forward and it launched itself into the air. It burned up one of the golems to Delanie's right and the fire spread to the one on the other Golem's left.

Delanie smiled at me. She knew as well as I the battle was practically over.

Once all the golems were defeated, Delanie practically yelled to herself, "Who was behind all this?"

Queen Ara came to her side but said nothing. Nobody knew.

Suddenly, the ground began to rumble...

The Elvin Chronicles, Book 1: Retreat ♛Where stories live. Discover now