the first

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My eyes were still shut tight but I still felt his arms around me. The surface was warm, but much warmer were his soft breaths in my neck. I looked around and saw my clothes in a distance, scattered, along with his.

I didn't want his arms around me. I didn't want his breath in my neck. I most certainly did not want to stay another night with him ever. I didn't want him to be accustomed for me to do so. I did not want to grow any attachment to him. And I haven't. His arms around me felt strange in such I way I wanted to get away from it. I didn't enjoy the feeling of having someone's arms around me while they slept. I'm not into the cliché shit of "omg I love cuddles and his arms around me, so much butterflies!" In fact, I hate being touched like that. It took more than a lot for Joshua to have the privilege of hugging me. It took five years to our relationship, when we've going out eight years.

Eight years of my fucking life I wasted to an insignificant person like him.

A took a selfish action again. I had no care if I disturbed his sleep, I just wanted out. Out of the place. Out of the place I did so much in. It chilled me.

I shook myself out of his embrace and picked up my clothes. I shrugged in my blazer when he woke.

"Leaving me again, are you?" His voice was husky from the deep sleep, his eyes red. A migraine prickled in at the sound of his voice.

"I don't plan to waste my time here. I have to get back to my hotel room." I slipped into my high heels.

"Leave." Was just what he said, scratching his head and yawning loudly.

The way he said it just hit a fucking nerve.

"Mmm. I'll take my leave, a-hole."

"That's not what you said when you-" I cut him off with the middle finger as he laughed at the approach. While I was leaving all he said was "I'll call you!" I rolled my eyes at his words and exited the room.

Memories flushed vividly as my head was been beaten by 1000 pound weights on the sides of my head. The migraine was killing me. I felt waves of nausea. Let me rephrase that. Alcohol was fucking killing me.

I entered the hotel room with Gianna not in sight. The room was quiet, I liked the silence. The silence was nice. I love Gianna but sometimes I need time off with her. Readying myself for a shower, I entered the steaming water. Memory pass memory; my mind never ceased in punishing me.

The thing is; it already happened. I won't dwell on it. I'm a shallow bitch and yes I'm willing to use Harry. I'm willing to play with Josh again.

Guess Karma's a bitch. She comes and hooks up with the sad life.

After showering, I tried to find my phone. I looked through my purse, but it wasn't there. "Fuck." I cursed.

I towel-dried my hair and wore my lace garments with a silky robe. I slipped on my high heels and went toward Harry's room. I probably left my damn phone there.

I knocked hard, losing my patience when he wasn't answering. "Harry! Open the fucking door!!" I heard him growl in the other end and unlocking the door.

"Thought you wanted to leave. Come back for more?" His eyes skimmed over me, settling where my robe was loose in my breasts.

"Maybe I did. Can I come in for my phone? I think I left it here." He rolled his eyes and let me in.

"You did leave it here. It's been ringing." I pushed back him and tried to find the similar black iPhone 6.

"Where is it?" I asked, still skimming over the messy place.

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