⚠Warning Not very edited ⚠
Xander's POV:
As I walked through the hospital doors I was greeted with a flurry of commotion. I walked up to the nurses desk and asked what room number an Angeline Heart was in. The nurse showed me to the room, but before I went in she said " I would like someone to come with you, Alpha because it can be a lot to take in" I nodded then called my Beta Jacob.
He was my best friend and he was also the only one who could stop me from doing anything stupid. After he got to the hospital we both walked into the hospital room, and what we saw wasn't good. What I saw was that Angeline was as pale as the sheets she was laying on, and her eyes had dark bags underneath them. She looked like a ghost, I walked over and grabbed a chair from beside her bed and sat down.
I grabbed her frail hand gently and kissed her knuckles. I felt tears threatening to spill over at the thought of me never being able to hear her beautiful voice. Or never being able to see her bright blue eyes that sparkled when she was happy. I felt traitorous tears slowly roll down my cheek. I heard Jacob leave the room and I leaned closer to Angeline, wanting to be as close to her as possible.
I brushed away a curl that had fallen on her cheek. I heard the door open the close and I turned to see that Brendon, Bethany's mate had come in with two cups of coffee. He walked over to me and handed me a cup and asked "Are you okay Xander?" I shook my head and said "I can't live without her Brendon, I haven't even marked her yet and I already feel so connected to her"
He replied " That will happen and she will get better" I asked him " Can you please leave, I want some alone time with her" He nodded solemnly and left. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't leave her side until she woke up. Since she had tubes and wires covering her I couldn't pull her close, so I just held her hand, kissed her knuckles and cried. It was about 9:45 when I heard someone walk in. I felt a hand on ny shoulder, but I didn't take my eyes off of Angeline. I heard a familiar voice say " Xander you need to eat, shower and sleep, doing this is not healthy" I knew that it was my sister, Bethany
I shook my head and said " I am not leaving her side, I promised I wouldn't " She sighed and said "Yes I know and if I was you then you would make me shower, eat and sleep" I chuckled and said " Sorry sis, but I'm not leaving her side" She shook her head and said " At least shower please, you smell like a dog (Pun Intended)" I glared at her then said "Okay, all right fine" She smiled a little and then left.
I kissed Angeline's hand once more then got up and went into the bathroom. I took my shower and was standing in the mirror brushing my teeth when I heard a sound outside the door. I listened more carefully and realized that it sounded like whimpering and groaning. I pulled on my shirt and shorts quickly and flung open the door. I looked around and saw nothing, but Angeline moving around a bit, like she was having a nightmare.
I walked over to her and grabbed her hand, slowly rubbing small circles in her hand. She calmed down and became quiet again. I sighed and sat back down on the plastic chair. I grabbed one of the extra pillows left here earlier and fell into a restless sleep until I woke up and heard it, that beautiful sound of....
How do you like my cliffhanger? I'm just kidding I know that you don't like cliffhangers neither do I but as an author writing them is fun. I may not publish the ninth chapter because I haven't been feeling good and I have a lot of things going on. Vote, Comment, and give suggestions, Thanks. Also go look at loveurself2002 profile and please follow her she is a new Wattpad User and please follow maryisaboss, she is a very good person. She had two good books. She is also my best friend and if she reads this I just want her to know that she is the ➡most awesome friend ever⬅😁➡Everyone is Amazing⬅. I dedicate the next chapter to her. ⚠Spoiler Alert⚠ The next chapter is about Hope. If any of my beloved readers want to talk to me about anything just message me and I'm here to help.
Your Author,

The Broken Luna
Loup-garouThis may sound like another broken Luna story but please give it a chance. Preveiw: " What's your name angel?". She looked at me and said in a small voice " Angeline s-sir" I replied saying " A beautiful name for a beautiful girl, and my name is Xan...