Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

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#1 thing I realized . . . I never did "The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith" for "Apocalypse Rising" . . . let's just say I did.

#2 thing I realized . . . by the time I'm caught up to where the series is now, the Apocalypse will have four people she trusts most. The Apocalypse and the Four Horsemen, anyone?

#3 thing I realized . . . OMFG it is a BLAST writing Tosh and Owen in "Children of Earth!" :P

#4 thing I realized . . . I am quite a Riddell/Neffy shipper. The gif confirms it.

Anyway . . . here's "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship!"


Jessie sighed, watching the Doctor run at full speed towards the TARDIS, stalked by an Egyptian woman in a sheer gown and tall blue headdress. "That's just typical," she rolled her eyes before checking her phone when it made a noise. "Oh," her eyebrows raised. She headed for the doors and slammed them open, making Queen Nefertiti jump away from her husband, the Time Lord looking very scared of the Egyptian. "I don't think we've been here before," she showed him her phone.

He looked at it, and his eyebrows raised. "Ooo . . . never been there before, definitely. Exciting!"

"We're off!" Jessie went back inside.

It was only after they were off and going did she realize they still had Nefertiti with them. She just ground her teeth together and tried not to growl at the Queen. "If she even pecks your cheek, I am murdering her," she warned the Doctor.

"Yes, dear," he responded.


"Craft size approximately ten million square kilometers," Indira explained as she showed them the readings at the Indian Space Agency years later.

"A ship the size of Canada coming at Earth very fast," the Doctor frowned. "Any signs of life?"

"We sent up a drone craft. It took these readings."

"Crikey, Charlie," the Doctor whistled, looking at them. "Look at that! Ooo, I know someone who'd love to have a look at that. And the Ponds, mustn't forget the Ponds, Neffy. Haven't seen them in ages. I'm riffing. People usually stop me when I'm riffing."

"Or I just carry on without you," Jessie shrugged.

"Yes, that's also an option."

"Can you communicate with this craft?" Nefertiti asked.

"Good question," Jessie nodded. "Well?"

"No," Indira shook her head. "No response on any channel in any recognized language. If it comes within ten thousand kilometers of Earth, we send up missiles."

"Oh, Indira, I liked you before you said missiles," the Doctor sighed. "How long till the ship gets that close?"

"Six hours, nineteen minutes."

"Right," the Doctor clapped his hands. "Better get a shift on, then. Leave it with us. Come on, Jez, Neffy. We're going to need help."


"There's still more stew," Jessie raised up an extra bowl from where she sat by a campfire.

John Riddell looked at it and took it, the Doctor saluting from where he sat nearby. "Where've you been, you two?" he complained. "Seven months. You said you were popping out for some licorice. I had two very disappointed dancers on my hands, not that I couldn't manage."

"He said he was popping out for licorice," Jessie shrugged. "Never had a taste for it."

"Riddell, listen," the Doctor leaned forward. "We've found . . . well, something."

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