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Do I need an introduction? ;)


A woman cloaked, hooded, and wearing high heels looked out the eyepiece of a giant Dalek statue, staring out at the devastation of the planet in front of her. "First, there were the Daleks," she whispered. "And then, there was a man who fought them. Soon, his wife joined the legend. And then, in time, they died. There are few, of course, who believe these two somehow survived, and that one day, they will return. For both our sakes, dearest Hannah, we must hope these stories are true."

"Smart woman."

The robed woman turned to see two figures walking up, a man and woman, both in what appeared at first to be ridiculous clothes: the man in tweed and wearing a bow tie, the woman looking like she raided a costume store and took everything that screamed pirate. She knew better, though. She knew of the Battle of Sokovia, what the two could unleash together and apart. Truthfully, she didn't know which was worse: together, or apart.

"We got your message," the Doctor said as he approached, Jessie Nightshade - the Bad Wolf to the rest of the universe - just slightly behind him on his right. "Not many people can do that, send us messages."

"They said I'd have to intrigue you," Darla shrugged.

"Well, consider us intrigued," Jessie looked out at the devastation. "Skaro. The original planet of the Daleks. I can think of loads of planets better off. Who told you about us?"

"Does it matter?"

"Maybe not, but you're very well informed. You said Hanna's in a Dalek prison camp. Why aren't you?"

"I escaped."

"No," the Doctor shook his head. "Nobody escapes the Dalek camps." He took Darla's hand. "You're very cold."

"What's wrong?" Darla blinked as Jessie laid a hand on her blaster. "What's wrong?"

"It's a trap," Jessie answered.

"What is?"

"You are."

"And you don't even know it," the Doctor added.

A Dalek eyepiece came out of Darla's forehead, and a gun shot out of her right palm. Jessie grabbed the Doctor and yanked him behind her, but she missed the second gun coming out of Darla's other hand. Darla hit Jessie right in the chest, and she stumbled backwards, falling back into the Doctor. As he bent to check on her, he dodged Darla's left shot, but was caught by her right gun.

"The Doctor and the Bad Wolf are acquired."


Amy Pond made various faces at a camera, obeying commands for her photo shoot, when her personal assistant gestured to her. "I'll just be a minute," Amy held up a finger.

"Your husband is here," the PA answered.

Amy scowled. "Hmm. I don't have a husband."

"Oh, well, apparently, you still do."

Amy scowled more and stormed off to her dressing room. Rory Williams didn't blink when he saw her. He just held up a few papers. "You have to sign these," he said.

"And then we're not married?"

"Just like magic."

Amy took a pen and signed her signature. "Can't chat. Working."

"Really?" Rory frowned. "Thought you were just pouting at a camera."

"Rory?" Amy pointed to the door.

Rory obediently left, and Amy sat as her make-up artist, Cassandra, entered. "Sorry, love. Was I interrupting?"

"No," Amy shook her head, ignoring a light flickering on her mirror.

"Gosh, look at you! You've gone so pale. Come on. Take a seat. We'll soon sort that out."

But Amy stared at her mirror in horror when a Dalek eyepiece poked out of Cassandra's forehead.

"Amelia Pond is acquired."


"Cheers," Rory told the bus driver as he climbed on board.

The driver looked at him through the mirror, a Dalek eyepiece growing from his head. Before Rory could do anything, however, white light filled the bus.

"Rory Williams is acquired."


Rory woke slowly, blinking at the stark white room he was in. He groaned, seeing Amy standing nearby, not looking happy. "Where are we?" Amy just pointed to a window nearby. Rory stood and walked over, looking outside to see Dalek saucers soaring around. "So . . . how much trouble are we in?"

"How much trouble, Mr. Pond?" a familiar voice called, and they turned as the Doctor and Jessie were escorted in, several Daleks guarding them.

"Out of ten? Eleven," Jessie deadpanned.

The ceiling opened, and the floor lifted up. The Doctor and Jessie didn't so much as blink, but Amy and Rory blanched at the multitude of Daleks in tiers in the domed room, a white Supreme Dalek nearby with the TARDIS. "Where are we?" Amy asked. "A spaceship, right?"

"Not just any spaceship," the Doctor shook his head. "The Parliament of the Daleks. Be brave."

"What do we do?"

"Make them remember you." The Doctor jumped off the platform, Jessie keeping an eye on every Dalek. "Well, come on, then! You've got us. What are you waiting for? At long last, it's Christmas! Here we are!"

Jessie took a deep breath, preparing to fight for her life, when the Dalek Prime Minister declared, "Save us. You will save us."

Jessie's jaw hit the floor. The Doctor opened his eyes, blinking rapidly. "We'll . . . what?"

"You will save the Daleks!" another Dalek said.

"Save the Daleks!" they all chanted. "Save the Daleks! Save the Daleks! Save the Daleks! Save the Daleks! Save the Daleks! Save the Daleks!"

"Well," the Doctor said slowly, looking around. "This is new."

"Save the Daleks!"

"Did not see this one coming," Jessie agreed.


And now we're rolling. }:)

"Asylum of the Daleks" will be up soon!

Screeching To A Halt (Book Eight of The Bad Wolf Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now