Impossibly Mad

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As sad as this one is, I think people will like the ending outcome. :)

Enjoy the last interlude!


"Just so I am not mistaken, no one is using superpowers."


"But the Captain has super strength."

"Also correct."

"Then why are the women, as you humans say, 'kicking the men's asses?'"

Wanda couldn't help but grin as Vision asked the question, Pietro snickering next to her. "I cannot answer that one, Visz."

"This is hilarious," Pietro shook his head. The other Avengers were playing a game of basketball on the court outside, three on three, with Steve, Sam, and Rhodey on one side and Martha, Saleen, and Natasha on the other. And Vision was indeed correct: the women were kicking the men's asses. "It truly is hilarious."

"It is," Wanda agreed, smiling as Martha swung around Sam to make another basket.

"And the odds are in the Captain's favor," Vision continued, but Wanda got distracted. Someone familiar was nearby . . .

She stiffened and turned. The Doctor was hidden by the treeline, his eyes right on her. He tilted his head towards the woods, his eyes sliding to Pietro, then he walked off. "We will be back," Wanda got to her feet, taking Pietro's hand before tugging him off.

"Where are you going?" Vision immediately asked.

"Not far," Wanda answered, running for the treeline.

"Who was it?" Pietro grunted, finally getting his balance back.

"The Doctor," Wanda answered, running into the trees.


The Doctor was pacing in a small little area, looking extremely restless and very tired. "Doctor?" Wanda asked.

"Jessie's gone insane," he declared, turning towards them.

"What?" Pietro's eyes widened.

"Not completely, but she's on the brink," the Doctor nodded. "And the last person she took a liking to died on her, and was dead on similar to another girl she knew that died to save her."

"She is confident they are the same?" Wanda furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes," the Doctor nodded. "Oswin Oswald in the future, Clara Oswin Oswald in the past. And she's going mad trying to find her again."

"How is she?" Pietro asked worriedly.

"Finally had to knock her out to get her to sleep," the Doctor sighed, sitting on a tree stump, the Maximoffs sitting on a fallen tree. "But she's getting worse. She's constantly talking to herself about how impossible it is, how she needs to find her again."

"That is not good," Wanda shook her head.

"No, it's not," the Doctor agreed. "Which is why I'm asking - no, I'm begging." He reached over to take their hands. "Come with us."

Their eyes widened. "What?" Wanda sputtered.

"If you need to leave time to time, I understand," the Doctor said quickly. "But Jessie needs someone else to keep her occupied. The last time before we met Clara, after River, her attitude wore onto me. If she keeps getting worse, I might fall as well. I know the Avengers keep you occupied, but please. She needs you."

Wanda looked into his teary green eyes, feeling her own eyes sting. "Yes," she nodded, swallowing. "I will come."

"So will I," Pietro nodded firmly. "She is not alone in this."

"Thank you," the Doctor slumped in relief. Wanda could practically see the tension leave his body. "Thank you, so much."

"We do need to do something first," Pietro held up a hand.


"Where did the Maximoffs go?" Steve asked as they gathered back on the patio, ready to go inside.

"They headed for the trees during the game," Vision answered, frowning. "I did not see them return."

"Captain," one of the workers walked up, face pale. "We tried to ask them, but they just handed this over. You'll need to see it."

Steve frowned, taking the datapad offered. He blanched when he saw the message. "Oh, my God."

Sitting around will do no good when our best friend is driving herself insane. We will return when we are needed, but if it can be done without us, do not bother. For what she has done for us, the Bad Wolf comes before all else. Geronimo.

For a second, everyone stared at the datapad in disbelief. "Holy shit," Sam finally forced out of his mouth.

Steve didn't even correct his language, the message was that surprising. Jessie, one of the most in control people he had ever met, was losing her mind, and the Maximoffs had gone to help. "Oh, no," he sighed.

This did not bode well for the future.


Who else would the Doctor turn to? If there's anyone Jessie trusts as much as him, it's these two.

Which means, Pietro and Wanda will be through the entirety of Series 7 Part 2! Huzzah! :D

Just the epilogue left, and then it's onwards to Book Nine!

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