Female Twelve - Cupcake Maybelline Sprinkles (Clara-impossible)

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Name: Cupcake Maybelline Sprinkles

Age: 23

Appearance: Medium-length, wavy brunette hair falls just past her shoulders, dyed a bright crimson at the tips. Her eyes are wide and a rich chocolate-brown in color, usually enhanced with some eyeshadow or mascara. Cupcake is tanned-skinned, with a smooth, round face that gives her a doll-like appearance, though she is anything from fragile. She's rather short, standing at only 5'2", but is nonetheless quite attractive and has all her curves in the right places.

Personality: You can sum up Cupcake's personality in one word: flirty. Actually, make that flirty and immature. She never takes anything seriously and is always obsessing over the latest fashion trends, celebrity news, hot guys and gossip. She's a bit like your typical mean girl, staying with her elite group of friends and looking down on those who she deems inferior. However, she does have her perks. In Cupcake is actually extremely smart, especially in the field of mathematics, and has an uncanny talent of being able to fix just about anything that involves technology. From broken toasters to malfunctioning television sets – Cupcake's your girl. Yet, she hardly ever puts her talents to good use, preferring to laze around at home all day, binge-watching romantic sitcoms and idly chatting with her friends.

Background: Cupcake comes from a wealthy family who owns diamond mines, and her parents did nothing but spoil their only daughter when she was young. This resulted in a bratty, impatient, and an "I'm-so-much-better-than-you-stupid-peasant" attitude. She was granted a lot of freedom during her youth, as her parent's jobs demanded an abnormal amount of time away from home, and has grown up being able to do as she pleased. Her teenage years consisted of partying, flirting and possibly hooking up with the most desirable guy, and her wild friends. Needless to say, her education pretty much went out the window, but she'd always managed to pass her tests and get average grades. It wasn't until Cupcake's high school years did her father finally put his foot down and attempted to turn his daughter's life back on track. Key word: attempted. Cupcake became extremely rebellious, but did discover a passion for math and technology, the two subjects she excelled in. Still, she never lost her carefree attitude and despite her parent's pleas to "grow up", Cupcake doesn't plan on doing so.

Motivation: One of Cupcake's close friends, Candy, dared her to try her hand at gambling at the Milena Seble, and how could Cupcake say no? Plus, the prize money was definitely a bonus – she'd been eying a brand new Ferrari GTO Berlinetta lately.

Suit: Hearts

Author Games: Ace of SpadesWhere stories live. Discover now