So if you read the voting chapter, you'd know that we're trying this thing with thank you notes. Over the course of voting, people have sent in words of thanks to their fellow writers, voters and anyone else they had something to say to. This chapter is a compilation of all the notes we received. We hope it makes you as happy as it made us!
OK SO this is where I say a really sincere thank you to you guys for putting together what has honestly been such a wild ride. I wasn't sure about the concept of these games, my character, or even how far I would get, and I honestly owe even getting past like the first three rounds to all of you for hosting such an interesting, unique games. Adam has grown to be one of my favorite characters and I'm really really excited to see the results, no matter what they are. I can't wait to see what you guys put together next, and thank you SO SO MUCH for hosting these games and putting up with stuff like last-minute entries, and last-minute slot-machine decisions or 13 decisions or whatnot and I've honestly been blown away by what a great account you guys make. Thank you so much <3 <3 <3
Also: I would like to sincerely thank the TRE team for making things due on a Sunday, so when I inevitably stayed up too late to write my entries, I wasn't falling asleep at 2 AM and then getting up for school in the morning and I could sleep in #bless
But also for everyone else: I want to thank all the voters and honestly everyone who participated in the Games and made it such fun, fierce competition. It was honestly so fun to write with everyone and so exhilarating to be able to write for the Finals, and I had a lot of fun.
- Josie
This has been an awesome Games, and I'm so glad it came up in my Newsfeed as I was scrolling randomly and procrastinating my schoolwork. It's been a pleasure to see both the amazing entries of my competitors and the Gamemaking style of people I've known for a while now.
May any Games you host in the future be as successful as these; if they are, you can count your career as successful. Thank you again and good luck!
- Joe
To My Voters-
Thank you so much for voting for Dawn, and I just want to let all of you know that I'm appreciative of you bringing her to the semifinals. You guys are the best! -Moon :)To Lindsay-
You were a great Gamemaker, as many of us can agree. You made these Games fun, and I had a great time with the "Little Birdie" thing that Ray, you, and I shared. I can't remember if you snitched on me though... I don't think you did... XD I don't know if you'll read this message, but I do believe that you deserve the appreciation. Thank you so much! -Moon ^-^To Ray-
You were an absolutely great Gamemaker in these Games. I honestly think I became friends with you BECAUSE of these Games... So bonding over card games? XD Anyways, the "Little Birdie" thing was fun even though I think you snitched on me? Or was it the other way around? Either way, I just want to thank you for putting up with me and Dawn. -Moon ^.^To Val-
I liked the Boredom Busters (even though I wasn't tagged on one... xD), and you were yet another wonderful Gamemaker who made these Games more enjoyable. I loved them, and even though I didn't talk to you as much as the others, I still consider you as a friend (as you can see in my bio...). Thank you for everything you've done in these Games! -Moon :DTo forever-unfilled-
I didn't know you very well, and I didn't talk to you. I wish we could have chatted more, but perhaps next time? I know that you're not on often, but I just want to thank you for being a host of these Games! They were truly amazing! -Moon ^U^To my Allies, Rose & Clara-
You guys were nice allies even though we didn't write much about each other in our entries... oops. Sorry about that! I don't think many people even realized we had an alliance.. Anyhow, I just wanted to say thanks for being my ally (and my friend), I guess? -Moon ;)
Author Games: Ace of Spades
Acción"People would do anything for money, wouldn't they? They'd risk their loved ones, their humanity, and even their lives for a minute chance of gaining wealth." Aging multi-billionaire gambler, Marty Mort, with a mental state slowly deteriorating and...