Chapter 5

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I went inside and my parents were blushing and grinning. I was like OMG! I plopped down on the couch and as they were watching me. Finally Mom said "OMG!! THAT'S Andrew!!" I said "Yeah." They both said "We approve." I replied "Oh. I didn't know I needed your approval." They gave me the most dorkyest grin EVER.  I laughed and went to my room. I went to my closet and picked out a black crop top that said "💎TAKEN💎" (it fits, hey it's appropriate) and grey leggings. I got in the shower and washed my hair, body, & shaved. I got out. Got dressed and blow dried my hair. I curled my hair. And put on Beyoncè Pulse( favorite) and the lotion. I put on my pair of black Vans and Andrew's hoodie which smelled like the perfect combination of lavender and tropical rain. I guess I was starting to love that smell. I called Julie and she said she was at the theatrè. I said "Getting in the Jeep right.... Now!" Then she hung up. I started texting Andrew.

Our convo:



So your going to

the theatrè?

Ya. To watch


7 o'clock show?

Ya. Lol. Y?

I'll be there.

Lol. Okay.

I love you.


🔫Say it right.

Ok. Ok. I

love you too.

But I love

you more

No you don't.

I love you most.





You are my world.

I love you so much.

I love you so much,

you don't even know

how much I love you.

You mean eveything to

me. Oh and do you like my

hoodie? You took my

favorite hoodie...
My point is I

love this hoodie.
I love the smell, and
the comfort it brings
to me. I love your eyes,
your smile, your humor,
your personality, I
love everything about
you. Dang it! I LOVE you.

Oh. I'm at the


Kk. I see you.

End of convo

So I got out. I told mom I'll be riding home with Andrew. She said ok... Andrew said "Dad is gonna watch Superman vs Batman."

I said ok. And kissed him on the cheek. He said " You're rocking that hoodie." I said " I stole it from someone I love very much." He kissed me real hard. I was starting to really dig those braces. Julie said "Right here!!" We said "Sorry." I said to Andrew and Julie " This is Andrew my boyfriend... Andrew this is Julie my sister." we went to the window and bought our tickets. He bought me popcorn, skittles, and a pink lemonade. I snuck 5 dollars into his back pocket of his jeans. Julie bought a Slushie and popcorn. We sat at the very top. During the movie I had my arms wrapped around his waist with my head on his shoulder. His hands were on my back. He was sorta hugging me. There was a cute couple in front of us who were giggling the whole time. The guy kept looking up at me as if saying "I want THAT!!" At the end of the movie the girl said "What a cute couple." I felt my self blush and said "Thanks. You too." I hugged Andrew to say to the guy "Taken, can't you read
(1) my Shirt, & (2) The signs?" He looked turned on. I was like 😖. Andrew kissed my forehead. I looked up at him. And have him the bestest kiss EVER. He was impressed and pleased. Julie stayed quiet. I told her I was going home with Andrew. And I'll come to her house tomorrow morning. I asked Andy "Could I stay over?" He said Ya. I said "Where am I gonna sleep?"  Andrew said "On my couch.." I said "Ok , ay." Andrew got that really sexy grin in his face that was so impossible to cover up. I kissed him and whispered in His ear "I'll probably end up in your bed anyways." We arrived at his house And I made a small temporary bed on the sofa in his room. And gave Luke a hug. Luke was so adorable. I got my PJ's on in the bathroom. My PJ's were blue and green ball shorts and a yellow tanktop that said 'He's mine▶'. Andrew put his on in his room. His were grey T shirt that said 'Your mouth is flapping but all I hear is blah, blah, blah' and black PJ pants. Me and Andrew layed down on our sides on the bed and looked at each other. He said " The more I look at you the more I fall in love with you. The more I look at you the more I realize how beautiful you are and how much I don't deserve you." He kissed me on the forehead. I turned over and he put his arms around my waist to sucur me. All I remember was that I woke up to someone(Andy) trying to pry Andrew's arms off of me. I said "Uhh?!" He looked like he had swallowed a boot. I sat up and he gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek and said.  "Welcome to the family." Then I realized Jeremiah was laying on our legs. I woke Andrew up by hugging him he woke up immediately and then smiled.

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