Teenage Dirtbag

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Chapter 1 - Niall's POV:

I walked into the small town music store and was greeted by a beautiful girl wearing jean shorts and a ramones t-shirt who was sitting behind the counter.

She reminded me of Harry since she was wearing a ramones t-shirt. I'm glad she didn't freak out and start fangirling when she saw me. Most people do since I'm Niall Horan.

She was putting her hair up into a bun and went back to reading her book. It was the hunger games. I loved that book.

I walked over to the guitars and spotted a awesome looking red one. I looked at it without touching it and became in love with it.

"How much is this one?" I asked her.

The shop was empty, just me and her.

She got up and walked over to the guitar. She picked it up and looked on the back for the price tag.

"600 even. We're having a small sale." She said with a smile. "Do you want it?"

Of course I do, but if I buy it then I have no reason to come back and visit this girl.

"Not right now. Thanks." I said.

"No problem. If you need anything else I'll just be behind the counter." She said walking away.

I really like this girl. I want to know more about her. I haven't wanted to know more about a girl since.... never mind.

'You're just going to hurt her, just like you did to-' I heard a voice in my head say.

Stop. It'll be okay. I won't her. I'm just going to say 'Hi'.

I walked over to the girl and leaned on the glass case that displayed a array of guitar picks, drum sticks and guitar straps.

Play it cocky that way she won't like you. That way you won't hurt her. Put up your walls.

"Hey there." I said as I took off my raybans.

"Did you-" She stopped once she made eye contact with me. Gosh her eyes were beyond beautiful. The most perfect color of brown you could ever imagine. Light with just a mix of dark and... wow. "Sorry. Did you want something else?" She asked with a smile.

"Just you, babe." I said with a smirk.

She blushed.

Gosh she was cute.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Rosie Coester." She said.

"I'm Niall Horan, but you probably already knew that." I said, winking.

She just blushed.

"I should probably get going now, but I'll see you tomorrow, Princess."

"You will?"

"Well ya. I have to come back to see such a beauty."

"That guitar is pretty epic." She said as she looked over at it.

"Well I guess the guitar also, but I mainly meant you." I said as I put my raybans back on and walked out the door.

'Don't get close to her.' the voice said.

I won't.


alright hi! so I would love to thank the amazing author of Sharpie, @peaceful_serenity for helping me get this wonderful idea for this book! I got the inspiration as I read sharpie so thank you! I know it is a short, seemingly pointless chapter, but I promise it gets better! it will get so much better I swear! so please stick around and read! thanks! xx


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