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Chapter 5 - Niall's POV:

I bolted up to my bedroom as I heard Rosie leaving the living room.

How could he? How could he tell her everything?! Not just one thing, not just two, but everything! It was unbelievable.

I didn't want anyone, let alone Rosie to know about my awful past. All she is going to do is judge me, I know it. Who wouldn't judge me? She probably thinks I deserved my beatings, I did deserve them. I was a devil child.

I quietly shut my door and laid down on my bed, facing the wall, letting my thoughts consume me.

Why should she care about me? I'm no one of importance and even if she is a One Direction fan once that cold hard fact comes hitting her that I am more then f-ed up then she will leave me just like everyone else. She will laugh in my face and walk out. I know it.

She will leave me or hurt me or both. Just like everyone else.

In all honesty I wasn't even that close to the lads. I was close to them, but I had never opened up to them. Except Harry, but that was different. All they knew me as was the carefree crazy mofo who made t-shirts with his own joke on them in different fonts. The happy go-lucky Irish lad who is effortlessly happy and has never had a care in the word.

Well they were wrong.

Dead wrong.

Oh no. What if Harry told the other lads about my past? No. He wouldn't. I made him promise and he was never one to break promises.

"Niall?" I heard Rosie say softly as she slowly entered my room.

Great. Let the party begin.

"What's up, babe?" I asked emotionlessly.

"You don't have to do that with me." She said as she sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Do what?" I asked trying to play dumb.

"You know what. You're not dumb. You don't have to put up your walls with me. You don't have to defend yourself when you're around me. I promise I won't hurt you." She said as she softly placed her hand on my leg.

I flinched as memories from the past came flooding back and she instantly removed her hand.

"That's what they all say right before they do." I said in weak voice. The voice that I used when I was about to cry. I hated it. I hated being weak. I hated all of this.

"But I'm different. I promise." She said trying again.

I humorlessly laughed.  "That's also what they all say."

"I've been hurt too. I have things to work out too, Niall. Maybe we can relate and help each other." She said.

"How have you been hurt, Princess? Someone didn't love you for once? Someone didn't full on smile at you? Hurt your back from the way you were sleeping?" I said a little too cold.

"No actually, now cut your crap. You don't know me nor do you know what I went threw. You know my name, not my story. And by the way my name isn't 'Princess', it's Rosie." She replied obviously hurt.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"Why won't you just let me help you, Niall?"

"I don't know, Rosie, let's think back on everything that Harry told you shall we?"

She gulped.

"Ya I heard you all talking."

It went quiet for a few minutes, neither of us saying a word, neither of us doing anything. All was still and quiet.

Suddenly I felt a pair of thin, warm arms wrap around my torso and I, without wanting to, tensed up. Fear shot threw my body and I started to shake from fear of what happened in the past.


I slowly stopped shaking and started to cry.

Her arms never left my body, all she did was move closer to me as she laid down next to me.

"P-please j-just don't l-leave me. P-please. I can't have another p-person leave me. Please promise you'll stay no matter what." I begged her as I silently cried.

"I promise I won't, Niall. I promise. You know what?" She asked me.

You're just joking and are leaving now? I knew it.

"I pinky promise you and once someone pinky promises something then it can't be broken, because if you break that promise then you should never be trusted again and you are a awful person. It's very simple. I'll give you the pinky promise rule book when I see you again." She said with a smile.

I actually laughed at that.

"Thank you." I said as I started to stop crying.

"I pinky promise I will never leave you. Not now, not ever, not in a million, billion, gaillion years." She said as she stuck out her pinky.

I wrapped my pinky around her small, dainty one and I smiled. A broken, sad smile, but nevertheless a smile.

"Thank you." I said again.

"You're welcome."

We laid there for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry."

"I know. It's okay. Really."

"It all hurts so much."

"I know. But as long as I'm here then I'll make sure it doesn't hurt anymore." She said. "I pinky promise."

"Thank you." I said again as I hugged her.

She was shocked at first and tensed up, but then relaxed and hugged me back. Honestly I was shocked too. I never hugged people, unless they were fans that wanted one.

"I'll never leave you. I promise." She said again as she hugged tighter.

"Thank you so so much." I said hugging just as tight.


Alright so I'm sorry for not updating a lot, but I will now because when I wrote this chapter I got ba-bambed with ideas and yup. So get ready!

Please comment and vote! Thanks!

- Autumn x

P.S. there is a pic of Niall and "Rosie" aka Demi on the side! I totally ship them, do you? They need to date!

P.P.S. this chapter is dedicated to @YouAreAlive otherwise known as Celia! She made me this epic cover! thank you!

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