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Chapter 8 - Rosie's POV:

Niall and I have been friends for about two weeks now. We've grown very close and shared a lot. I guess we're best friends know. I don't know. I always hate asking those kind of questions because the person can so easily say no and laugh in your face. It's very nerve-racking. To me we are best friends so I will say we are.

Anyways Miranda left for collage 1 week and 6 days ago. She invited me to the airport and I came and we ended up making up. I miss her a lot even if we weren't that close. She is still my friend. Her goodbye consisted of tears and hugs and visit soons, but we all know what will happen. One day we get too busy to talk and then the next thing you know 9 years have passed by without a single word. I don't expect anything from her. Not in a mean way, but I just don't.

Right now I'm sitting in this empty music shop picking at my nails and wondering what Niall and I are as I listen to the constant pleads from my stomach to eat, which I ignore.

I know I promised Niall I would eat, but I can't. I'm so fat already and if I eat then I will get fatter. I can't get fatter, I'm already ugly enough. What he doesn't know won't hurt him, I'll just eat around him when he makes me. Plain and simple.

So back to me and Niall. Niall took me out on a date once, but one date doesn't mean we are dating. He hasn't taken me out on any more since that one date. We hang out all the time and talk a ton, but he never takes it further then that. I wish we were more then friends. Of course I do, me and millions of other girls want that also with Niall. Why would he pick me when he could have someone like Emily Rudd? It makes no sense and that's why Niall wants nothing further then a friendship.

I guess I can't complain though. Not everyone gets to be Niall Horan's friend.

I moved the mouse on the Mac Book Air that sat in front of me, don't ask me how we were able to afford a Mac Book Air when no one ever comes in, but my boss Patty, has her ways.

I typed in the password ShwabalaablaAndShoeBooForeves. Yes I have a really weird boss.

I went onto The American University of Paris website.

As the font page loaded I got excited. This is where I will be studying at! Paris! What better place to major in art history, and literary studies and the creative arts? I'm so excited! Just a few more paychecks and I'm there! YAY! I will have all my tuition for each semester I'm there for plus the plane ticket there and the coast to fly my belongings to my flat in Paris.

I will have to get a job or maybe Patty will still fund me money, I don't know. She is weird. She stalks people and helps them and has all theses inventions and loves me yet hates me. It's very weird. Either way I am beyond excited!

"Hello Beautiful." I heard an Irish accent say.

I turned towards him with a smile.

"Hello.... you." I said with a giggle.

"Thanks!" He said laughing along with me.

"So what's up? Why are you here in this empty shack?" I asked him as I turned off the computer.

I wasn't trying to hide anything from him, but there was no longer a need to have that tab open or have the computer on.

"Well I've been thinking about us and if you want then I would love to take you out on another date. My management is throwing this masquerade party for all the well known celebrities and the lads and I got told to bring a date. You were the first and only girl to pop into my mind that I want to date so.... How about it? Maybe we could try our hand at dating and you could go to this awful party with me?" He asked nervously.

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