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It was nice.

The darkness.

The sound of crashing waves.

The painful wait of impending death.

It was nice while it lasted.

Rose's eyes fluttered open as she focused them on the ceiling above her. It was metal and metal burns.

This wasn't hell.

Her green orbs flowed slowly down to her newly bandaged injury.

A hand running itself over the gauze, a soft feeling she had yearned to feel for a while.

The ghost of a smile made its way onto her face but quickly disappeared when she heard, what she could only assume was a door, open.

Her eyes clenched themselves shut tightly. Her breathing becoming ragged for she didn't know what type of situation she had gotten herself into this time.

"I know you're awake." A soft, female voice said aloud.

Rose allowed one eye to open. She was faced with an authoritative mother figure, with long caramel colored hair and a lanky figure.

Rose raised an eyebrow, "I'm not awake, I just sleep with my eyes open." She smiled.

The woman laughed a carefree laugh. "Do you talk in your sleep too?"

"I've been known to do that." Rose smirked, pushing herself into a sitting position and examining the room around her.

She looked like she was in some type of mobile home.

"You're safe here." The woman said, "you don't have to worry."

"Thank you," Rose said, gratefully "for saving me." Even though Rose dreaded each word she said she needed this woman to think she was kind.

"It wasn't me that saved you, it was Daryl. But I'm Lori." The woman said, holding a hand out to shake.

Rose eyed it cautiously, raising her eyebrow yet again.

Lori dropped her hand to her side.

"My weapons?" Rose asked, her eyes searching the room frantically.

"You'll get them back after we figure out a few things." Lori smiled.

"I don't wanna stay here," Rose blurted "just give me my shit and we can call it a day."

Lori looked taken back by Rose's use of foul language but instead of saying something she just turned and left the R.V.

The closing of the door was soon replaced by an opening sound as 3 men walked in.

"You're awake," one man beamed "that's good."

"Oh, is it?" Rose asked, a slight smirk playing at her lips.

"We were beginning to think we wasted our medical supplies on you for nothing." The same man chuckled nervously. His hair was slightly curly, mostly due to sweat and he wore a partial sheriff's uniform.

"Well, technically you did. I have no way to repay the favor." Rose knew the game she was playing was dangerous but she didn't seem to care.

"So, let's begin with why you got shot." The curly haired man said, taking a seat in front of Rose.

Daryl watched her body tense. Her eyes suddenly seeming empty.

"Frankly, I don't think that's any of your business." The girl hissed "couldn't even ask for my fucking name, what a shame."

Daryl almost snickered at her comment. She watched him with curious eyes, her orbs traveling up his body in interest.

"You must be Daryl." Rose nodded, a grin forming on her face.

None of the men in the room knew nor did they understand how she could possibly know that's Daryl.

"Lori told me you helped me, thanks for that." Her tone was cold, venom dangerously lacing her voice.

Daryl just nodded, his throat suddenly too tight to form words.

"Why were you shot?" The sheriff pressed on.

"Why are you so persistent?" Rose asked.

"I'm not persistent, I'm Shane." The man said gruffly, a vague smile on his face.

"See, that's better!" Rose exclaimed, fake excitement lacing her voice "I'm Rose, thanks for asking."

Shane's eyes seemed to glide down to the bandage that decorated her thigh.

He wanted answers.

Rose bit the inside of her cheek as she caught sight of the glimmering metal, that's home was her boot.

"Just answer the question." Shane sighed, a hand running stressfully through his hair.

"Ran into some bad people." Rose shrugged, a shudder running through her body at the thought.

It took everything in her not to sob right then and there.

"And how do we know you're not a bad person?" Shane asked.

"You don't, but you'll probably know by the time I leave here."

Trouble ▪ Daryl Dixon [UNDER EDITING] Where stories live. Discover now