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"I ain't one for babysitting." Daryl growled aloud in the car, his eyes trained on Rose.

"I don't think you'll have to worry about that." Glenn smiled, his eyes flashing to Rose. She returned the smile.

Daryl felt even more anger bubble in his chest. "No one asked you."

"You get yourself in trouble, I'm not helping you again. You're on your own." Daryl said whilst adjusting the crossbow strapped tightly to his back.

"Whatever." Rose hissed in anger "you seem to be underestimating my character."

Daryl seemed to notice her tone because his Georgia blues flickered up to meet Rose's cold, green orbs before settling themselves back on the road

"We're here." Rick announced from the front, his door creaking as he opened it."I can't guarantee your safety." Rick says, turning to Rose.

"Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself." She sighs. She gets shit from Daryl and now Rick? What were they pegging her as a child?

"Where's your family?" Glenn whispered softly to her as they began their journey.

Daryl's ears picked up in the conversation, listening intently.

"They're dead." Rose said and Daryl could hear the discomfort in her voice.

"Can y'all stop talking? Gonna attract the dead." Daryl growled and Rose made a mental note to thank him later.

"Dumbasses." She heard Daryl mumble under his breath.

"Merle or guns first?" T-dog asks, questioning eyes glancing towards the roof in which Merle was supposed to be trapped on.

"Merle. We ain't even discussing this." Daryl hisses, falling into step with Rose

"Sorry." Glenn mumbles to Rose "I didn't mean to sound intruding earlier I just.."

"Its fine." Rose waved him off.

When the group arrived inside the building the stench was strong and Rose had to resist the urge to gag and plug her nose.

You never got used to the smell.

T-dog uses wire cutters to cut away the rusting chain he wrapped around the door before they deserted the other Dixon brother.

Once the door opens, Daryl rushes onto the roof. "Merle!" He shouts.

"Shut the fuck up." Rose hisses, lightly smacking his shoulder "Do you wanna draw the snackers?"

"That's what you call them?" Glenn asks curiously.

"That, or chompers. Why? You call em' something different?" Rose retorts.

"Walkers and geeks." He states, blatantly.

A low growl/whimper escapes Daryl's throat as he holds up a severed hand."Merle's one tough son o' bitch" Daryl counters, "Cut off his own hand."

Daryl lunges at T-dog. Furious that the man dropped the key that lead to his brothers freedom.

Rick quickly steps in between them, pushing Daryl back.

"Look," Rose says, pointing to a trail of blood. "Clearly he's still alive. But all you're doing is wasting your time arguing when we could be finding his brother." She sighs.

"Nobody can kill Merle but Merle." Daryl mumbles.

"Why would he leave the building?" T-dog asks.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you left him chained to a roof with chompers biting at the door." Rose sarcastically remarks, earning a smirk from Daryl.

"Like I said nobody can kill Merle but Merle." Daryl says, wrapping the severed hand in his hankercheif, earning an uneasy glance from the group.

"Anybody can die from blood loss." Rick interjects as they stroll down to a dining area.

The stench is the first thing that hit Rose's nose, burnt flesh.

"Tough bastard tried to cauterize his stump." Daryl beams, obviously glad his brother might still be alive.

After a long discussion, the group finally decides to go after the guns that are safe and secure inside a duffel bag.

That duffel bag just so happens to be surrounded by snackers.

They make a plan and the group splits off. T-dog goes with Rick, and Rose with Daryl and Glenn.

Rose, Glenn and Daryl all crouch stealthily down an empty alleyway. Eyes on alert for anything suspicious.

"There they are!" Glenn whisper-shouts.

"I'll get em'." He says, walking forward.

"You got balls for a chinaman." Daryl says causing a laugh to escape Rose's lips.

"I'm Korean." Glenn scoffs, his eyes landing on Rose as he began to move forward towards the guns.

"Think he's trying to impress you." Daryl mumbled.

"Well, if he's trying it surely worked." Rose smiled and she watched a scowl cover Daryl's face.

That's when a young boy with dark hair and tanned skin scurries out behind them.

"Shit." Rose hisses, eyes casted towards the boy and no longer on Glenn. Daryl follows her eyes and they land on the boy.

Soon enough he's on his feet and grabbing the boy by his shirt, shoves him against the cold alley wall.

"You seen my brother? One hand, asshole. Ring a bell?" Daryl shouts.

Fear is evident in the boys face as he refuses to answer. He begins to yell nonsense in Spanish as Daryl knocks him upside the head with his crossbow.

"He has people with him. He was yelling for them." Rose announces and Daryl sends her a questioning glance to which she shrugs in response. "Took Spanish in high school."

Two older men rush out in front of Glenn and he calls for Rose's assistance.

This catches Daryl's attention as he gets the upper hand on one of the men.

Rose throws a punch at the other man's jaw sending him staggering backwards.

She begins to unsheathe her machete when she realizes he's darting for the the guns.

Not so fast, She thinks.

She snatches a handle of the bag and grips it so hard you can see the whites of her knuckles.

The men are hyperaware and up on their feet as a car screeches and drives in front of the alleyway.

They struggle to get the bag out of Rose's hand as Daryl and Glenn groan on the ground.

She lands a kick into one of the man's shins.

"Just grab her too, we need the guns ese." A Hispanic man growls.

Before Rose can process what's happening, strong hands wrap around her waist and pull her into the strange car that reeks of sweat and testosterone.

A bag made of thick material is placed over her head and all she hears is the car driving away.

Trouble ▪ Daryl Dixon [UNDER EDITING] Where stories live. Discover now