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A deafening silence filled the camp the following morning.

Rose used to enjoy silence. It used to be a time of serenity. But this silence was eerily deadly.

Low murmurs filled the camp as people started to awaken.

Rose hadn't been able to sleep all night and exhaustion burned her eyes. She knew she should leave, but for some odd reason she couldn't.

The morning air smelled of decaying corpses as she listened to shovels being dug into dirt and lighters being lighted.

Soft sobs escaped Andrea's chapped, pink lips and tears made their way down her face.

Every fiber in Rose's body screamed at her to leave. Begging her to leave, because the only thing that could come out of this group was death and that was not a kind invitation.

But her mind was never enough to overpower the strong will of her heart.

"I say we head to Fort Benning." Shane suggested, whilst running a hand over his forehead.

"I say the CDC, they have information, maybe even a cure."  Rick added in.

"Are you gonna leave?" Carl asked from beside Rose, his voice soft with caution.

"No." Rose said softly, a hand slowly caressing the young boys face.

Glenn huffed a sigh and leaned against a tree, a shovel limp in his hand. He swiped at his forehead, dirt streaking his face as he did.

"You missed it." He said to Rose "Daryl and I got into an argument."

"Not surprising." Rose chuckled "What about?"

"We bury our own, not burn them. He thought otherwise." Glenn groaned. "He also tried to kill Jim."

Even though Rose had no clue who Jim was she found curiousity taking over her. "Why?"

"He was bit, we lost a fair amount of people." Glenn said, sadly.

"So the CDC it is." Rick said aloud "everyone needs to pack up, we're leaving for the CDC in 10 minutes."

Rose watched carefully as Dale tried to pry a sobbing Andrea away from her dead sister. Glenn had left Rose to go get his things and she hadn't even noticed.

Truth is, Rose had nothing to pack.

If she could pack up her overwhelming feelings and ship them off to another walker infested country, she'd do it. But she can't.

Rose's eyes lingered on Daryl a little longer than they should and he caught her eye.

"You're riding with me." He grunted, throwing his bags in the bed of his pickup.

"I would actually much rather ride with Glenn. He's nicer." Rose smirked.

"Tough shit. You're with me." Daryl hissed, opening up the driver side door and sliding in.

It wasn't long after we started traveling that the cars came to an idle stop.

"What's going on?" Rose asked, turning to Daryl. She was enjoying the light breeze fanning her face and the sun softly caressing her skin. But she was interrupted from her daydream.

"Does it look like I'm a damn psychic?" Daryl barked, annoyed. Rose followed him as he hopped out of the car.

"Jim wants us to leave him, he doesn't have long." A dark skin woman, Rose had yet to meet, announced to the group.

Rose found her feet carrying her into the R.V and sitting beside Jim.

Beads of sweat glistened on his forehead and he let out an agonizing groan.

"My bones feel like glass." He moaned, blood evident on his stomach.

Rose listened contently. He sent her a painful smile as he parked increasingly.

"You're gonna be trouble, you know that?" He asked with a chuckle. "Keep them safe, you hear me? They're good people, they deserve you."

Rose nodded, a frail hand reaching out to push the hair from his face with a gentle smile.

What Rose didn't know was Daryl had watched the encounter the entire time.

Rose bid her goodbyes and so did the rest of the group. Moving Jim to rest against a tree.

There were some words exchanged by him and the rest of the group but Rose tuned it out.

Wherever this group went, death was sure to follow.

When they were on the road again Rose let her head lean against the cool window of the pick-up as the sound of the tires caressing the road silently lured her into slumber.

A sharp tap on her shoulder was what awoke her. "We're here." Daryl said, closing the the pick-up door.

She gathered her weapons and tiredly strapped them to her back.

Soon the whole group emerged from their cars and she just realized how largely proportioned they actually were.

Daryl stood a little ways away from Rose. Not too close, but not too far. He wanted to keep an eye on her.

Sophia stood close to Rose also, clinging to her as her mother, Carol, stood silently beside them.

Rick abruptly began banging on the large, metal, silver door. Screaming for someone, anyone to help them. He was frantic with his movements.

A soft squeal left Sophia's mouth as she saw the dead nearing towards them, definitely attracted by the noise.

"Walkers!" Daryl alerted the others and everyone was sent into a frenzy. The kids crying out, people readying their stances.

Rose shoved Sophia and Carol behind her, she wasn't dying today.

"Come on man, no ones here Fort Benning is still on the table." Shane said, trying to convince Rick there was no use on trying here.

"Its about 100 miles in the other direction, Shane." Lori growled.

A walker got a tad too close for comfort and within a second its head was dismembered from its body.

Daryl released an arrow which made a sickening crack as it plunged into one of the walkers decaying skulls.

"The camera!" Rick shouted "It moved!"

"Man, you're just seeing things, let's get out of here." Shane attempted once again.

Rick was relentless. His fists turned red from banging against the door. His face was flushed with anger.

The metal door made a loud creaking noise before light blinded us and cold air fanned our faces.

"What do you want?" An unfamiliar voice barked.

"A chance." Rick said, letting out what I interpreted was a sigh of relief.

"That's a lot to ask for these days." The voice chimed."A blood test is the price of admission."

"We can do that." The entire group said in unison, except Daryl and Rose.

"You better get all your stuff, cause once these doors close they don't open again." The male voice continued.

Rose didn't like the sound of this.

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