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"You ran." Shane grunted at the girl on their walk back to camp.

"Actually, I limped." She chuckled, her eyes wandering down to her thigh. A small smile spreading across Shane's face.

"Merle, get your ugly ass out here!" Daryl shouted to his brother "Got some squirrels, come help me skin em' so we can stew em' up!"

"Daryl, wait up!" Shane shouted after him and Rose automatically knew something was off.

Shane's entire demeanor had changed. "I need to talk to you." Shane said.

"Bout' what?" Daryl grumbled, his eyebrow raising in a questioning manner.

"About Merle," Rose watched Shane try to calm himself before saying the next sentence "There uh-there was a problem in Atlanta."

"He dead?" Daryl asked, Rose could hear the concern in his voice thag he tried to mask.

"There's no easy way to say this, but I'll just say it." A new man stepped forward, he was fully clothed in a police officers uniform.

"And who are you?" Rose smirked, her eyes roaming the officer.

"Rick, Rick Grimes." He announced with the nod of his head.

"You got something you wanna tell me, Rick Grimes?" Daryl growled, his whole body set into a pouncing position as he inches towards Rick.

A young Korean boy stood silently by Rose and she hadn't noticed until now.

"I don't think we've met, I'm Glenn." The boy chuckled shyly, holding a hand out for Rose to shake.

She smiled, relaxation taking over her at the boys kind gesture. She took his hand, "I'm Rose."

She had no intention on staying with this group and they'd find that out sooner or later, just not now.

"I handcuffed your brother to a roof, he was a danger to us all." Rick explained and Rose scoffed causing everyone's attention to shift to her.

"You got something to say?" Rick asked.

"Handcuffing people to a roof is pretty kinky, trust me I'd enjoy it. But leaving them up there? That's just cruel." Rose chuckled dryly.

Daryl's lips were pressed into a thin line, anger practically radiating off of him.

"So, you're telling me you handcuffed me brother to a roof and left him there?" Daryl growled and Rick seemed to involuntarily take a step back.

Rose laughed as the men broke out into a fight. Daryl using any and everything he could to possibly harm Rick.

This was before they were separated after a few words.

"Just tell me where he is so I can go and get him!" Daryl shouted.

"He'll show you." Lori said with a terse smile, head nodding towards Rick.

"Daryl's usually like this." Glenn mumbled to the girl standing beside him. His low, melodic voice definitely caught her off guard.

"Well, the man chained his brother to a roof. I wouldn't expect him to have any other reaction. Hell, I'd probably do more damage than him if it were my sister." Rose said and immediately regretted it.

She cringed at the thought of her sister. A bullet hole in her head, blood covering her clothing.

Glenn seemed to notice this as he let a comforting hand rest on her shoulder. "If it makes you feel any better, you're really pretty." He gushed out.

His cheeks becoming a beautiful tinge of pink. "I uh- I mean I didn't.." He started to stammer.

"Its fine." Rose smiled "I think you're pretty too."

Glenn chuckled nervously at this.
That's when their ears tuned back into the conversation.

"You're really gonna risk 4 of our people for a douchebag like Merle Dixon?" Shane asked, his eyes darkening in anger.

"You wanna rethink that statement?" Daryl growled, an accusing finger being shoved in the face of a flustered Shane.

"No, douchebag is what I meant." he responds cooly. "He wouldn't give you a glass of water if you were dyin' of thirst."

Rick was anxious. He begins to explain how he dropped a bag of guns back there and from what Rose could tell those guns would do some real damage out here.

Her mouth practically watered with lust. She wanted those guns.

"Let's get on then." Daryl grunted, his hand waving through the air in a rude manner.

"Glenn you're with us, you seem to know the town pretty well." Rick said.

Glenn's face flushed as he began to stutter.

"If Glenn's going, I am too." Rose announced, stepping forward.

"You'd be nothing but a bother. We don't need no girl coming with us." Daryl hissed in anger.

"You're right. Since I have a vagina I clearly don't know how to use the weapons that are strapped to my body. Or since I have boobs I don't know how to kill one of those things. Makes sense." Rose growled, her body inching towards Daryl.

"Misogynistic asshole." Rose said, becoming frustrated with the hick.

"Huh?" He grunted in question.

"Oh, sorry I forgot. You speak in small words." Rose chuckled and Glenn had to stifle a laugh.

"You should come. You look like you know what you're doing." Rick told Rose.

"Then it's settled. I'm coming."

Trouble ▪ Daryl Dixon [UNDER EDITING] Where stories live. Discover now