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The beach.

It was one of Luke's favourite places, yet he hated it at the same time. He wouldn't mind not going for a while, but he had to go once in a while, just to remind himself that he also really loved it.

Many people would think he hated it, because there were bad memories attached to it. And sure, there were a few bad memories. But he mostly just hated the feeling of sand sticking to his feet after having walked through the water a bit.

Maybe a bit of a stupid reason, but he just liked feeling comfortable. And having sand stick to your feet and rub between your toes in an unpleasant way... yeah, no.

But on the other side, it was beautiful to him how the sun would slowly move in the sky. How the water moved along and made sounds, as waves crashed down. How it could be completely quiet, with only a few people walking by in peace.


That's what Luke found on the beach.

He also found something (or someone, rather) special, but we're not there yet.

In short, Luke had a love-hate relationship with the beach. But that was okay.

His friend never understood it. The love one could have for a simple place you could find in basically every continent.

Then again, Michael didn't really like going outside in the first place.

Which made it funny that he and Luke had grown so close. They were quite the opposite with a lot of things. Preferring inside or outside being one.

But nonetheless, the two had grown close and barely went anywhere without the other. If you excluded whenever Luke would go outside.

Of course Michael went outside, but he just preferred the inside and if he was given the choice, he would stay at home. And Luke never minded much.

But, on to the real story.

It was somewhere at the beginning of the summer, when Luke and Michael found themselves in a beach house that Michael's aunt owned, when something interesting happened.

Of course it didn't happen right away, but after a few days.

The boys had settled in, ending up with own rooms and enough food to last at least a week without needing to go shopping. But of course both boys knew they (or Luke) would go shopping soon, because they ate somewhat more than the general person did.

Which is why Luke ended up in the nearby supermarket for some stuff a few days after their arrival. But what he didn't know, was that that day, he would find something better than food.

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