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"You can't possibly be serious, Ash!" Calum protested as they swam around the palace.

"But I am, Cal. I want to get to know the boy! He is absolutely lovely and those eyes. Have you seen them yet?"

"Yes I have, Ash. They're green, so what?" Calum rolled his eyes, still following his best friend around. Ashton was trying to get Calum to come along to the two landboys, but Calum wasn't having it. Ashton had been up there twice now and it was only so long before people would notice the prince's absence and go looking. And who knows, they might even find out where Ashton really has been.

"Not just green, Cal. They are... they are... I cannot even describe it! They are this soft yet bright green, beautifully showing what he thinks." Ashton spoke, all loved up. And it made Calum miss Luke, honestly.

He remembered the day before clearly, from the sparks when they kissed, to how they had been holding each other's hand ever since and kept close all the time. Not that either Ashton or Michael would notice, because Ashton was way too infatuated with the purple haired boy, while Michael was showing him everything there was to the human life.

"But Ash, please, consider for a moment how dangerous this is for you!" Calum hissed, taking the prince's arm and pulling him back, finally facing him. "I don't want anyone to find out and get you in trouble. Being a prince means everything to you and you could lose it so easily with all this."

Ashton finally stopped and actually seemed to think, frowning sadly. He then sighed, closing his eyes as his lips formed in a light pout. "I know, Cal. But... but I cannot help it. I am as infatuated with Michael as you have been with Luke when you just met him!"

"Michael? That is not a name I have had the pleasure of hearing before."

Both merman froze, their eyes wide as Ashton faced his mother slowly. "Mother."

"My dear boy. Who is this Michael you speak so highly of?" The queen asked, tilting her head lightly as she smiled warmly at both boys. In opposition to the king, Ashton's mother was actually quite fond of the dark haired merman. She knew how he made her son happy by being his friend.

"He, um, he is- he- he is a merman, from a far away pod, mother." The prince blurted out, almost making Calum groan. But the merman kept it to himself, knowing if he did that, the queen might get suspicious. "Far away? How far away might that be, dear?"

"Somewhere near the ice, mother. It is a very small pod, one that has not contacted others in what they claim to be centuries." Ashton rambled. Calum simply turned away, rolling his eyes at how his friend was talking himself into problems more and more.

"Oh, is it now? And is there a reason behind that then? Why they have not communicated with other pods for so long? Something big must have happened, has it not?" The queen spoke, a certain glint in her eyes. Calum knew the queen was onto something and he hoped for his friend he had his excuse ready. But as the prince was looking at his mother, nodding aimlessly and stumbling over his words a little, the other merman shook his head once more and took the lead. "If I may, my queen, I can answer that."

Ashton turned his head towards the other fast, looking at him with big eyes. Calum knew what Ashton thought. The prince didn't know what he was about to say, but he surely hoped it was good and that it would get them out of there. And Calum hoped that too.

"Of course, go ahead, Calum."

The merman smiled slightly, yet thankfully, nodding lightly at the queen. "This small northern pod has a bad history. Many years, more like centuries, ago, their ancestors lived closely with those, um, I'm not sure how they're called... hu-humans? Is that it?"

The queen nodded lightly, her eyes narrowing at the words. Because no matter how good the queen could be, every merman or mermaid was against humans.

"And because of that, nobody wanted to be involved with them. They have parted from the humans however and have been for centuries now, though of course some things still live on, like words they use. But um, yeah, he is a part of that pod and many probably don't agree with that." Calum nodded awkwardly, swallowing as he saw the queen take him in.

"So what you are telling me, is that this Michael is a part of that pod, which has a bad reputation?" The queen asked.

"Yes, mother." Ashton mumbled, looking at his mother. Calum kept in his sigh of relief, seeing the queen was actually considering this. Which was a step in the right direction.

"Alright. But I want to see this Michael. Let your father and I decide whether he is good enough for you. For to be a king, as that will be his future if he stays alongside you."

And well, they were almost there. They only had the problem that Michael wasn't a merman. Which was technically a big problem, but for now they could use the excuse of visiting him. And maybe eventually it wouldn't work out anyway, so they'd have no problem anymore.

"That is fine with me, mother. But I do wish to have some more time before that. I am not entirely sure about him just yet and infatuation does not mean anything. It simply means I am intrigued, but it does not mean he is the one." Ashton spoke, almost making Calum laugh at how posh he sounded. Sure, it was how he almost always sounded, but still.

"I agree upon that, my dear. You must be certain of your choice. However, I am not certain about you leaving without guards. It is not safe, not for a prince like you."

The prince nodded slowly. "I am aware, mother. But these people do not know much of our kingdom, because of their limited communication. So it is actually safe for me, there."

The queen pursed her lips. "Does he know you are a prince, crownprince even, my dear?"

"I have told him, mother. But he seemed unfazed. Which is one of the reasons of my infatuation, I am sure. And I feel like if I were to take the guards, he would be scared or something. And I just want to get to know him, mother. Like I want him to get to know me for me." The prince mumbled the last, shooting his friend a look. Calum knew what Ashton meant because after all, that's how it always went with Ashton. Though, mostly with friends. Friend that wanted to be his friends to get something or someone.

And that's why Ashton was so close with Calum and also so happy with him. Because they had gotten to know each other without that fact being known or involved in anyway.

"I understand that, my dear. But your safety is important too. At least take Calum with you, will you? That rests my heart a little." The queen spoke, nodding lightly. "As for now, go ahead. Go visit your interest."

Ashton squealed (he seriously did and oh my, how Calum had to keep in his laughter. After all, he was in front of the queen) and jumped at his mother, hugging her and kissing her cheek repeatedly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

The queen laughed (yes, she laughed) at her son's actions, pushing him lightly. "Go! Do not let him wait now, dear."

Ashton was grinning, taking the other merman's wrist and pulling him along quickly, zig zagging through the palace, on their way to the library.

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