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Calum swung his legs back and forth carefully, watching the clear water swish around them. Even after some time (a week and a half, really), it was weird. They didn't tingle, nor change or whatever.

They were just legs.

"I'm sure they'll be here soon, Cal." Luke mumbled, squeezing the dark haired one's hand lightly. It made the former-merman smile a little, his head turning to his blonde boyfriend. "I know, Lu."

"Michael said Ashton misses you." Luke mumbled, frowning a little sadly. Calum scooted a little closer, pulling the blonde against him and kissing his head. "I know. He said he cried, once. Ashton barely cries."

Luke hummed lightly. "Oh."

"It's okay, you know? I know you miss Michael." Calum mumbled, pressing another kiss to Luke's head. The blonde sighed quietly, turning his head up to press a soft kiss to Calum's lips in return. Calum used his free hand to cup the other's face, keeping it close to continue their kiss, smiling a little. Poseidon, he was so in love.

"Ew, they're kissing!"

The words broke the two boys away from one another, a grin on both their faces at the words. They watched another face pop up from the water, this one making Calum grin even wider.

"You could have expected that, Mikey." Ashton said with a light giggle, teasingly pulling the other merman closer and pressing a messy kiss to his lips. Calum and Luke laughed at how Michael let out another 'ew!' before holding onto the prince and kissing his cheek lightly with flushed cheeks. "I know. But it never gets better."

Ashton grinned, shaking his head but happily keeping the now bleached blonde merman pressed to his chest. He used his free hand to wave at Calum happily, obviously excited to see his best friend again. And Calum felt the same way, wanting to jump into the water and hugging Ashton, but he hadn't learned how to swim with his legs yet and really, he wasn't ready to die.

Calum took the two in the water in, watching them swim to the edge of the pool and climbing out, throwing their tails on the sandy ground. Calum was still a little jealous of how the tail matched Michael's eyes perfectly, but also a little proud he had been right. The colour made a beautiful tail. And at least Ashton didn't have to worry about judgement, being the crownprince and all.

"It's been so long and still, I'm not a fan of water." Michael mumbled the second he got his legs, wiggling his toes and moving his legs a bit, before getting up and taking the clothes from the ground a little further. "And being shirtless all the time."

Calum chuckled, moving the lie on his back (pulling Luke with him in the process) and looking at the bleached blonde upside-down. "I still haven't gotten used to wearing a shirt all the time."

He watched Michael smile at him, before moving his eyes to Ashton, who was dressing himself a little clumsily, still not used to legs fully. Then again, it had taken Calum a while to really seem like he had had legs all his life, so he didn't blame the prince.

"So, how's Sydney without me?" Michael asked, sitting down at the boys' heads, wary not to touch the water or get too close to it. Luke huffed at the question, pulling the dark haired boy beside him a little closer, pouting. "Boring. I mean, it's great that I have Calum now," the blonde smiled widely at his boyfriend (and oh my, Calum wished he could see those love-filled eyes every second of the day), "but it's so different."

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