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Short recap:

Calum almost skidded to a stop next to the blonde, many possibilities already going through his head, but he never expected what he saw next.

"Why the fuck do I have a tail?!"

≈๑ Luke

Luke watched with wide eyes as his best friend was lying on the floor, a light green fish-tail where his legs and feet should be. Luke's mind became a jumbled up mess of questions. Was this a prank? A way of Michael trying to tell Luke something?

"Holy-" Ashton cut himself off as he peeked over Luke's shoulder, the blonde shying away a little. He was a little intimidated by the prince, and he would most likely always be, so having him that close was slightly uncomfortable.

"Can someone help me with this?! I'd like my legs back!" Michael spoke frantically, leaning his upper body backwards as if the tail was something scary and he could get away from it like that.

"How did you even get that?" Calum asked with a confused frown, tilting his head.

"I don't know!" Michael exclaimed, looking truly scared. Then again, who could blame him? Of course, Luke wasn't sure yet whether Michael was faking this or not, but judging from the fear and Luke's knowledge that Michael wasn't that great of an actor, well, it seemed pretty freaking real.

"Michael..." Ashton mumbled, taking in the purple haired boy from the tip of the tail to his head. "What did you do?"

"I- I," Michael fluttered his eyes closed, seeming to retrace his steps, his eyes snapping open again and his head moving to the bikini that laid on the edge of the bathtub. "That thing was dripping on the floor so I moved it into the tub and- and, I don't know, suddenly this shit happened! And now my shorts are ripped and my boxers are gone and what is this?!"

Luke's lips parted as he realised that it seemed as if Michael had changed like the mermen. By touching salt water, from the ocean. But, from what he knew, Michael wasn't a merman. Heck, he had even floated in the ocean water the day before! And had he sprouted a tail then? No.

Luke eyed the puddle of water near the bathtub, almost wanted to test if maybe he too had suddenly the power to change upon touch. But then again, he was wearing his favourite pair of shorts (only because they were the only black ones he owned, for some odd reason).

Ashton, however, seemed to have an idea of his own, pushing Calum into the small puddle. Calum shrieked as he felt the salt water touch his bare feet, frantically trying to find something to grip or do to make it easier, eventually just throwing himself at Luke. They both fell to the floor, letting out an 'oompf' once they pressed together clumsily.

They then both looked at Ashton, who was at their heads, looking down at them as if he was doing a science experiment. "Ah-hah."

Luke blinked, before furrowing his eyebrows and moving his head up to look at Calum. "Um, can I just- I'm confused. Very."

Calum was blinking as well, before squirming a little on top of Luke and letting his lips part, his face showing confusion. "What in the Pacific?"

Ashton looked back at Michael, who was making quiet sounds of surprise and horror, watching his tail split open and legs grow back.

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