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≈๑ Luke

Everything had been going well for a few days, except that Michael and Luke knew they were going back home soon. Which sucked.

They hadn't told the mermen yet, because they had both been too caught up in their happiness to even remember. Until this morning.

They both looked at one another as they got the email to make sure everything for their flight was okay on time, so they could catch their flight etcetera.

It had also dawned on them that they might not see their loves again anytime soon, because after all, Australia was at the other side of the Pacific. And that was a very long way.

So, as to find a way to bring it onto the other two easily, they decided to spend the whole day with them. Mostly showing Ashton things and letting him experience the 'human'-life for the day.

They had a lot of fun, running across the beach (with Ashton occasionally falling, but then Michael would help him and no problems were made out of that), playing some video games, showing Ashton the movie of Ariel (which he had just as much to comment on as Calum, when he watched it) and of course the horrifying discovery that yes, humans eat fish.

Of course, both mermen knew the poorest of merpeople ate fish occasionally too, but fish where their friends. It was just... not right.

But, the great flavour of pizza (without fish) made Ashton accept the fact.

After everything, they ended up in the cave again, hanging around the pool. Calum was enjoying floating in the water, his tail occasionally causing small waves.

Michael was in the water too, hanging onto the side, but less fearful than before. He was still holding Ashton's hand, but the prince wasn't in the water with him, nor did he have a tail at the moment.

And Luke was watching Calum be in peace, his own legs in the water and enjoying the clearness of it.

The cave was pretty dark, as it was late in the evening. The only light came from the small opening in the ceiling of the cave and from the opening underwater. The four could see enough though, so they didn't complain.

"Michael and I need to tell you guys something." Luke finally blurted out, after what seemed months since they received the email from their airline, yet was only hours.

Both mermen rose their eyebrows, Calum stopping with floating and hanging from the side like Michael, his brown eyes filled with curiosity.

Luke looked at Michael for a second, seeing the purple haired boy smile sadly. He gave the boy a same smile back, before taking a deep breath, letting it out again with a big sigh. "Michael and I are going back home."

It was silent after that, Luke kind of staring at Calum, while Calum stared back. Ashton switching his gaze from Luke to Michael as Michael just looked down sadly.

"But, if this is not your home, then where is it?" Ashton questioned curiously, tilting his head a little at Luke. The blonde sighed again -though this time less deep- and traced random patterns in the sand with his finger. "The other side of the Pacific."

Ashton blinked once, before he furrowed his eyebrows. "I do not see the problem."

Michael looked at the prince in confusion, holding his hand a little tighter as to get the prince's attraction before he spoke his words softly. "We'll be on the other side of the world."

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